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Willie looks hilarious, lol. Has some of the craziest rules I've ever seen, but won't be as stupidly annoying as Papa Loco...

---------- Post added at 05:49 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:59 AM ----------

Wow. It got quieter. I wonder... (sets up a paint trap at the entrance to the thread) Who's going to be the first one to set it off? (grabs a chair and some popcorn and waits)

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By the way, 'Tina's crew box is not bad- definitely good for starter vs. starter matchups. The Ice Golem gets no love.

What would be hilarious is if Mei Fang could take Steampunk Abominations...boing boing boing boing Desolation Engine :-P

Epic game of Song of Blades and Heroes with my lady friend. Her stalwart dwarves caused another cascading Undead explosion but enough zombies survived to destroy them all. In SoBH, Undead take all Morale checks at +2 but if they ever fail, poof. Zombies have a 6+ Quality (activation/morale score) so I needed 4+ on 3d6 to keep them alive. Meanwhile, only 1 skeleton (3+ Quality, needed anything but 1s on 3d6) survived.

Gotta prep for the con, so I'll probably be scarce after tomorrow.

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I never thought I'd hear the phrase 'boing boing boing desolation engine'...

I've just been painting (shock horror). Not models, but painting nonetheless. Trying to paint a fish on an acrylic surface, trickier than it looked to start with. Also, writing, and now sculpting after a bagel break. Busy day for me, to make up for the total dullness of work!

Anyone up to much?

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Overtime? What is this mythic beast you speak of? Can it be caught and shipped to me?

Back to gremlins and 6mm tonight, although if I get paid properly tomorrow I might pick up some basic moulding gear and try to cast a few copies of my brilliance counter by the long weekend.

The fish is ok, it needs a second one doing before I can put the next layer of resin down, and it's very odd trying to paint parts of something that won't meet up until several layers later! But it felt stupidly good to have a brush going again.

Oh yeah, quill starts tomorrow, doesn't it. Wonder if I'll do better this time round! Would be hard to do worse really...

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Holy crap, that was annoying. >.< Had a quiz due tonight on five chapters of a book for Church Ministry, and discovered I read the wrong book! Well, thank God for open book quizzes and the ability to skim read...managed to only get one question wrong...(lets out a sigh of relief)

Now to actually read the book, because I want to!

And yeah, the quill is tomorrow, I'm sure you'll have fun with it! Glad to hear that the painting and sculpting are going well. And I'd love to help you out with that, but I'm not sure if I can catch overtime for me, much less anyone else. :)

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That's a pretty epic fail, but at least you still get to read it, you passed the course (good skills there) AND you're a book ahead for later?

Heh, overtime, the ultimate prey. I don't even get the option, no matter the hours I do, I get the same paycheque.

What do you think, do I go for black and white for my tokens, or purple and orange, or what? And for which bits?

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For what tokens? What do they represent?

Yeah, that worked out well in the end...just a forty minute quiz of lots of panic...I get an hour to do it, and the quiz covered over a hundred pages of information. Not a lot of fun, lol.

And yeah, I'm not sure if I prefer overtime or not...cause overtime means I'm hourly, lol.

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Ah yeah, there is the advantage that a short day with nothing to do doesn't hit my pay, I guess.

I have a little casino chip type thing made up for marking who has brilliance when I get Jakob out (was bored and needed a simple sculpt one evening). It's on my thread, but I think I put it in the same update as the finished GJ, so I reckon no one looked at it. I could have snuck anything in that post *evil*

The pics here: http://i1065.photobucket.com/albums/u389/Mako413/WIP%20Sculpt%20projects/e3a93d9d0d8057bd77ff8ca600cdfda5.jpg

That's an impressive reading speed, and a surprisingly short panic all things considered!

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I didn't read it, lol. Almost the whole quiz was 'fill in the blanks', so I skimmed for the context of the question. Which is why I'm still going to read the book, because all I have are snapshots from the whole of the book.

Hmmm....I say orange and purple, with some black on the edges. So, the base color is orange, with stripes of black on the outside, and the eye itself is purple.

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Hmm, could be tricky. Doable, but tricky. I'll be using coloured resin so paint can't chip off, which limits my resolution somewhat.

But now I'm tempted by orange and purple alternating round the edge, and then adding in black for the lashes and white for the rest of the inner! And then washing a reddish purple into the pupil after for effect. These tokens are getting complex!

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Yeah, I reckon it'll be a short run. But I don't want to go too crazy too soon! Start out simple and all that. I'm wondering if it would work with black lashes, white eye, black outer, and the text filled with enamel in purple or orange. That way it's easier on me, at least while I practice syringing resin accurately!

Edit: that is, unless you fancy a set when you see them lol. Or they get used as prizes in the local events.

And now, I have a league idea where every time you complete certain objectives, you get a casino chip that can be used to get a reflip, or as a soulstone, but you can only use it once. Maybe we could do that on the Niagara riverboat *grin* (that would be an epic event, but totally impractical to arrange)

Edited by Mako
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How far is Toronto? Get a big enough tournament going and give me enough advance warning, I might be willing to get my passport and head up there for that. Could be a lot of fun!

And I think I'm just going to post up the next Quill round once I'm done getting it together, forget about waiting the forty five minutes for it to be 'officially Tuesday' lol.

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Meh, there's really only you and me about from the quill at this time of night! Some interesting themes to pick from there! I think I may have the start of a plan. Although it might need a bit of working to make it fit properly to the theme or character.

And it even has another future side character from my breach runners in it! Who has the potential to be worrying, creepy and hilarious all at once.

We're just the other side of the lake, so if you get a canoe and a paddle...

Heh. But I might actually be prepared to do limited runs of them for people, depending on how they come out. These are a bit more acceptable to cast than my other recent efforts *wink*

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Heh, yeah, casting Green Justice probably won't be that easy. Still, if you can get it done, I guarantee you've got a market. Not me, I'm not a Gremlin fan, but oh well on that.

Glad you've got an idea on what to do with a quill entry! It'll be interesting to see what you come up with.

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Yeah, I kind of feel I should ask the Wyrd guys, but then I kind of don't because I think I know the answer, and I also think it would be fairly cheeky! Still, perhaps she'll be a prize when/if I run a big enough event. that might be ok (although I'd still want to ask first if I did decide to do that. Politeness and all...)

Well, perhaps the marsupials will interest you more! Or, in the distant future, the rumoured 6mm (you never know, I might finish it, I've been feeling more cheered about it these last few days).

Yeah, I'm busy toying with ideas to see if I can make this character work in those restrictions, not sure yet but I will definitely be writing something!

You coming in on this one, or still arranging?

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