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Not bad. Got to check out SCA today, which was fun. Gonna try the practical test next week (helmet on head, get smacked three times, see if I want to continue after that).

---------- Post added at 11:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:38 PM ----------

And you got writing and sculpting done? Awesome! Working on the Breach Runners, or trying to guess ahead on the Quill?

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Sounds like an initiation rite! I now get to show my ignorance, what's SCA?

I went 6mm for a bit, trying to get some press moulds sorted for things I'll need lots of, like saddles. And wrote a short piece of fiction for it too. Less than 2000 words, but it got me back at the keyboard at least!

Really should get back to the breach runners, I know what's coming next but making it happen naturally was really proving a pain.

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Society for Creative Anachronism. I'm giving the heavy fighting a shot, which is basically getting into armor and inviting people to smack me around with rattan clubs as I try to 'kill' them first. The helmet bit is just a test of 'are you sure you want to do this, because this kind of stuff will happen'.

Gonna post the story up?

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Ahh, epic. Always good to hit them before they hit you. But I guess it's pretty much a certainty that eventually someone will ding you round the head!

Not sure I'll post it, until I get it all together I'm keeping it quite close to my chest. That way I can tweak and mess with all of it and not worry about embarrassing myself!

Although I did just finish a scene in breach runners, that puts me to the next section where a lot of expositional and conversational stuff happens. And I think I'll try to introduce the female side character, which will be a new challenge for me.

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Nöthing much going on at work really, got to order in some new stuff and repeat Fridays test. Other than that, don't actually have a plan for the week, I'm still stuck trying to make stuff happen!

Oh, and I have to have a fairly tricky conversation about who has rights on what work, since if I'm not careful everything I do this year will end up added into someone's thesis. Which will be fine for them, but make me look like I did nothing all year and bugger my career up a bit! But equally, I can't stop them putting anything in, or that'll damage their thesis...

A delicate thing of saying 'this much is yours, and then I'm the lead on it' without staring trouble.

Sophie is being quite pliant today, it might be the resin fumes or she may just be being helpful. Which would be worrying, although she does seem to respond well to green tea and classical string music (chinese classical today, wierdly). She's an odd chick, my muse. I don't think the poor girl's entirely sane.

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Oh, I'll probably be a clever bugger about it tomorrow, and lay out the basic groundwork for it, so its at least clear there is a line and it isnt moveable, Then kind of deal with it as and when stuff comes up.

I think the girl playing the instrument was called yu hong Mei, I have no idea why but I sculpt easier with that stuff playing!

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I hate the internet at work...decided to just cut out for a few hours. Weird...oh well. Got work done, got a little more writing done, and now that I'm back online, spending a little time looking up some of the SCA stuff I was told about. Monkey! I see you on here...how's it going, my friend?

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Yeah, I got to look through it quickly on Saturday. Loving the new stuff, although I haven't gotten to read any of the fluff. Definitely glad I picked up all the Misaki stuff, although I think Mei Fang won't be a great box to use for a bit. I don't own any Constructs that aren't Frozen Heart and she can't use those, lol.

---------- Post added at 03:19 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:18 AM ----------

Except the Mannequins and the Coryphee...I keep forgetting about those. >.<

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