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Not a parrot, he needs a piglet.

---------- Post added at 10:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:23 PM ----------

Oh! With taped on wooden wings! Sitting on top of his hat! Or...maybe the piglet is wearing the hat, and the gremlin is wearing the piglet!

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(comes up for air) Holy crap...this book is great, I'm enjoying it...but holy crap that's a lot of words! >.< I'm managing about ten page chunks and having to step away for a bit...not even to process, but just to give my brain a break. Haven't had something like this since I read Ravi's Can Man Live Without God? book, and this book is harder. Woo boy...

---------- Post added at 10:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:56 PM ----------

Ha, forgot about the Austringers! That does sound perfect! If you do a second one, have him perched on a rock pointing, and the pig trying to eat his coat.

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It's just a total brain dump college textbook, lol. Just got out of the introduction, now into the first chapter. I have another...22 pages to go.

---------- Post added at 11:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:06 PM ----------

And hey, you started this man. You totally started this. I'm just facilitating the problem.


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I so did not start this. I blame the little blonde critter sat in the corner trying to look innocent! Well I could blame Spiku, it was his drawing, but the total loss of control over the project is utterly Sophie's fault. Like most things that this happens with...

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Thanks for that Ed. Next time Elle rides your brain roughshod through insanity and back, I'll remember this! And I'll laugh. Until the same happens to me.

This kangaroo looks creepy. As yet he looks more like the beginnings of a flasher rather than a death Marshall...

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Oh, that was last week. 2,500 words. Nearly double the previous week. And then I get to look forward to Nano...I don't know if she's excited or dreading the idea of being put on a schedule...but I cranked out nearly 10k words a week for that. Didn't hit 50k, but that was alright.

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Ouch. Harsh punishment there. At least sophie can't concentrate long enough for me to go that long without something!

Hmmm, it's midnight, and I know I should probably go to bed, but I can almost finish the robes on one death gremlin. The second is a leg that needs baking so I can do the other, and the kangaroo is getting shoulders

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I think Elle just went into shock. I went from five years of writing just about nothing to writing... (goes to check math) 55,321 words in...well, just about five months. 38,000ish of that was in the course of 6 weeks. At least 20,000 of that was in two weeks. And then... yeah. Stalled like hell.

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That's impressive acceleration! You probably did shock her, and no wonder you just jammed up after!

I was tempted by NaNoWriMo, but at that pace I think I'd have a breakdown even if Sophie didn't! And there's no way she'd pay attention to the same topic for that long either, I guess. Maybe I'll stick to my random sculpting projects and the odd bit of iron quill on the side. Safer that way!

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I'm gonna give a shot at Nano again...just gonna be more careful about it this time. That, and it's going to be competing with college projects, lol. I think Elle might be up for it this year!

And yeah, Sophie seems to be a bit more ADHD than Elle...well, at least Elle of late, lol.

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I swear she has the mind of a kitten. Keeping her attention on anything is a nightmare. She can be immensely focused if i can challenge her, but once the tricky bit is over she gets bored again until some random moment where she decides that project's more fun that the one I have in my hands...

Mind you, she took an interest in my work the other day, so there's a plan that should get me some good progress and a decent paper or two. Took about quarter of an hour to take the four years of work someone had done, and plan out the same amount of progress but only needing a year to do it. And that's including gaps for stuff failing!

I think I should make an attempt at sleep. In this heat, with these fumes, I can't imagine it will go well, but I shall try anyway. Then tomorrow, I'll get some new photos up at some point. If nothing else, it'll prove I've been busy!

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That's one killer of a book, ten pages at a time? Ouch...

Theyre too tempting, gremlin austringers, executioner, Lucius, it's spiralling out of control! Soon I'll have the whole bloody guild under way!

Well I had to add my parts in with Lucius and how to do the Death Marshals... The only others I could think of would be a Gremlin Witchling done up with random skins sewn together and maybe a guild guard where all they think is you have to have the best and longest coat so it's spreading out over the ground around them...

I'm still wanting some if your going to cast some heh

I'm gonna give a shot at Nano again...just gonna be more careful about it this time. That, and it's going to be competing with college projects, lol. I think Elle might be up for it this year!

And yeah, Sophie seems to be a bit more ADHD than Elle...well, at least Elle of late, lol.

I've always been interested in Nano but never gotten into it... I'll stick with my small backup stories

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Well I had to add my parts in with Lucius and how to do the Death Marshals... The only others I could think of would be a Gremlin Witchling done up with random skins sewn together and maybe a guild guard where all they think is you have to have the best and longest coat so it's spreading out over the ground around them...

Surely a guild guard captain would have a pillow stuffed up his shirt? Oh damn, now I'm doing it too!

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