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Tempted to get the Corsairs and a Noh Empire, Doctrine, or (wooooooh) Black Diamond starter pledge for Relic Knights. Probably won't though- I've got way too much as it is, not counting the upcoming Gencon order.

Plus, the Reaper Bones Kickstarter would be more useful for me as I could use those in multiple games. 116 minis and still has 11 days to go? Huge dragons for 10 bucks? RMS paint sets for 50% off? Chronoscope set on the horizon, including some that have potential usage in Malifaux? No matter what I get, free shipping to the US on all of it? Yeah, that's a better choice for me.

Oh, and apparently I can add stuff to my Kings of War Kickstarter order at the same discounts until the 19th if I contact their customer service guru.

Forces are conspiring against me to undo the near-debt-free situation I worked so hard for. I know it :-P

---------- Post added at 02:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:58 PM ----------

Oh, and I wrote this recently: http://museonminis.com/why-trymalifaux/

I think my next one is going to be on Song of Blades and Heroes. That game's worth having for anyone but grognard-types who think rulebooks should be at least 40 pages...

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Photos are hard, it's a difficult thing to get decent shots of something so small with painted in shadows and highlights as well as light falling on it. It's a whole other side to the hobby!

The korpsman looked pretty good, although his trousers under the back of his tunic would be muddy as well surely? Having sat in mud in combat gear, your backside doesn't stay dry even if it doesn't get muddy!

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Ah, just over the buttocks mostly. No matter how unpleasant you know it'll feel later, and how hard you try to avoid it, you always end up sitting in wet mud at one point! So under the lower edge of the jacket, and at most partway down the back of the thigh. Basically where the jacket is muddy but not much further down than that I'd reckon.

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Sculpting's Not going bad, I have half of the first snake done, needs baking though as its getting hard to handle without damaging what's already done. Green justice has a face and some hair, not remotely finished but still progress, and my tiny tiny guy is, well, still tiny. But I might make him a friend later.

Wait, there's people planning their quill entry? I hadn't even realised the ingredients were out! I really have to focus more...

What's everyone else up to tonight?

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Ahh, phew! I was worried there for a moment. Then I remembered I had chocolate so I stopped paying attention.

Is it bad I've had an idea for another model series/game? I think I need to get my muse some tablets to help with her severe attention span issues...

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Well, I was going to put up photos of sculpting, but camera battery died. So you can't have any! Muahahaha... Ahem. Sorry bout that.

On the other hand, I am going to do more tonight, so tomorrow's pictures will be more interesting.

Everyone decided what's on their gencon list then?

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It's looking like the thunder box, the oiran, dark debts and the depleted for me. Though this week so far my mind has been all over the place, so who knows what I'll order in the end! I kind of feel like I should order brutal effigy instead of one of the others, since my justice crew needs him to be functional. But then again, when do I ever use it to play!

Managed to keep myself down to £50 of stuff for DzC though, just bits for my diorama rather than an army to use.

How's work?

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Heh, the name works for me, seems pretty accurate! I actually have stuff to do at work tomorrow, it'll be pretty wierd but at least I wont be as bored as I have been.

I promised myself I'd focus on one or two projects, so why am I now doing two sculpts, plus planning a lot more that I'm starting to work on, and now coming up with another idea?! Must... Focus... Oh, I give up. Lol

That archive is going to be massive by the end of the quill (if it even has an end, I mean it could go on for ages). Getting much other stuff done while you're stuck at work?

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Not really. Was hoping to get some painting done during some dead time, but I don't think I'll have any. Wouldn't be so bad if this particular task wasn't so repetitive. 150ish boards, short test, going to take several hours. (rolls eyes) Yay. Oh well, lol. Still trying to get the muse engaged on the next scene for the novel, I have the generics planned out but she's remaining elusive...

Yeah, I think that I'll probably have to do spoiler tags per year to keep the Quill archives under control in the long run, lol. Still, that's not a bad thing at all! More stories means more writers, and more writers means more stories. It's a lovely loop to have!

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Well, if we manage to crash the forum with the iron quill threads, that's probably when we should stop. But given that's pretty unlikely, I think you're right, the loop just keeps getting better and bigger.

Its always annoying when you don't have anything up fun to do, but not enough free time to add something fun into the mix. But unavoidable I guess.

Ahh, muse baiting. Would you like to borrow mine? I could do with a break, she's like a dog surrounded by squirrels at the moment. Trying to go every direction at once and not chasing any of them properly!

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Heh, or large sections of the forum. Maybe we should give that a shot sometime, do a cooperative story of some kind! Might be interesting to see how it goes down. Oh, that would be a cool idea for a round for the Iron Quill- Two Heads are Better than One.

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Could be fairly awesome. It definitely has the chance to be hilarious, which is always a good start!

I really wish I could sleep, but my foot hurts too much. Turns out that dropping a large shelf on it stings somewhat. I think I avoided breaking it, but its throbbing like crazy and is a funny shape now...

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