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Struggling to wake up. I really need to get a few night of good sleep and get back into a daylight pattern!

I know that feeling. I'm a fairly nocturnal creature. If it were up to me I'd probably wake up some time around 4 in the afternoon and go to sleep at like 8 in the morning, which I sort of did during winter vacation. My body clock is ruined, and now I'm at work with no sleep.

These adult hooman responsibilities suck. I'm thinking of becoming a bat instead.

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I usually run on a 26 hour day, so if I don't drag it back every time it just gets further and further out. Course, eventually I meet daylight coming the other way again!

---------- Post added at 06:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:19 PM ----------

Later steam, good luck with the last ten!

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A play? Oh boy won't that be interesting, lol. What prompted that? And did you laugh at the comic I sent you earlier?

I'm okay. Not been up long, so not awake yet. Looks like I'm working on Letters from the Quarantine Zone next, though...which is good, because I already started messing around with one earlier!

how's you?

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That comic was hilarious! I shared it about the office to much laughter.

I'm stage managing a play and have realised I want to do one that's a total abuse of the fourth wall in many ways. (Incidentally, know any stage directions such as 'exeunt omnes'?)

Awesome, letters sounds like it will be fun to read as well as write! Speaking of which, I need to read the dead of winter stuff this week.

---------- Post added at 11:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:47 PM ----------

Oh, and I'm not bad. Sculpting and doing laundry before script read through for play tonight. Got to finish by tomorrow afternoon!

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The sculpting, for the script read through?

I thought you might enjoy that, lol. I saw it and thought of you, so needed to share. And I would read some OOTs and pay close attention to the demon roaches for some good fourth wall breaking. Old school Ninja Turtles is another good one, along with the Muppet Show at times.

What'd you think of the end to Lost Ways?

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Not read it yet I have to admit, going to read it tomorrow hopefully once I get the sculpt finished. Have to start casting tomorrow to have a chance of getting it done, so then I'll have a bit more time on my hands.

The read through is only an hour which is good, doesn't take up all night and I can get back to the putty after!

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At this point, I've got food to make, and that's about it. Not a lot to do today, lol. If I have time, I'd love to be able to paint, but I doubt that'll happen. Probably going to work some more on the first entry for Letters. Not sure how long of a story this one's going to be, but should be interesting nonetheless.

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Um. So far, nothing different. Not really gotten things going just yet. Did a couple simple assignments, but not a ton of stuff to go. Tonight is the second day back, lol. This term is going to be really weird, not a lot of tests or quizzes. Got more writing to do than anything else.

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