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Well, it's just under three months old so I can't imagine it's out of manufacturer warranty yet. In which case it just wants replacing or repairing. If they give me a load of hassle tho I won't be impressed...

Still, I have at least reprinted jaakuna's robes purple. And this time it's a bit better, much closer to the onryo I already did

---------- Post added at 04:10 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:07 AM ----------

How's work going?

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Purple is always a good color choice. And it better be under warranty. Hard drive crashes are a hard thing with computer repair, it's one of the few errors that just can't be predicted, because the only way to know it'll happen is for it to happen.

---------- Post added at 10:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:10 PM ----------

Not there quite yet. I have to stick around extra tomorrow because of a paperwork snafu, so I'm going to show up late. Working on finishing homework for the night after taking a nap.

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Yeah, I can't see any big computer firm offering less than three months warranty! Fom what I remember, in Britain it's pretty much a one year standard, provided you've not abused it. And I doubt walking five minutes to work with it four days a week counts as abuse lol.

No way it should have trashed the drive at any rate, that must have been a weak drive.

Makes sense, no point ending up with ridiculously long hours just because of a bit of a glitch in some paper!

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still debating on the subject matter for the sculpting competition,.. should i throw out a specific faction? or just a model type? any thoughts?

I'm leaning towards "monsters/demons" being the theme. Could be a failed experiment, or something that was summoned, or resurrected,.. has lot of possibilities.

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I'm pretty safe from slatey, I've spent a lot of time (and squirrels) training him to behave and bring me cookies!

---------- Post added at 05:13 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:12 AM ----------

That's a tricky one, too vague and it basically doesn't have any effect, but too tight and it gets really difficult!

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I had an idea for a theme involving the monsters/demons, (comes with a bit of a story) but thought it might be too complex.

Was also thinking "Chrono-faux",.. basically taking any given malifaux character, and spinning the time wheel forward (to see what the character/faction might look like in say,.. another 100 years,... or backwards,.. and put them all in say,.. midevil armor or the like.


---------- Post added at 08:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:19 PM ----------

well monkey,.. you're more then welcome to join in. and feel free to throw out some input as to what you might like to try to sculpt. or might like to see from others.

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maybe monsters/demons with a twist,... like "flying" or something. So you have to sculpt how your monster flys. Does it have wing,... use magic,.. some mechanical contraption?

Might add some other dimension to the sculpt,...

---------- Post added at 08:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:25 PM ----------

monkey>> exactly why i thought of monsters/demons for the first time out. because it makes it easier to sculpt. could be anything really.

though,.. i'm not likely to allow someone to just throw down a mis-shapen glob of putty and call it a "blob-monster". a bit more talent will be required then that*L*

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