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Manic Monday

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I actually quite like mondays. Theres something optimistic about the start of a new week.

Then you get to work and begin praying for Friday afternoon within ten minutes of sitting down!

And there was a band over here in the UK called the Happy Mondays. Which I always found strange because they all seemed miserable.

Maybe they were happy due to the alleged amount of narcotics they sampled? ;)

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"Some one has a case of the Mondays"

That saying makes me just a wee bit violent >.> thankfully everyone I work with has seen that movie and knows how much we all hate it lol.

so thats where all the mondays have gone! Someones walking around with a case full of them!!

So is today now tuesday? Or just an extra long Sunday?

"Has anyone ever said to you "someone has a case of the Mondays?" "Hell no! I think a guy'd get punched for sayin' that"

I love Office Space... it's fantastic. :D

AB: I would much rather have a Case of Saturdays.... :D

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