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How to make an indoor table?

Owen Ojo De Lobo

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Hi! I'm planning to build an indoor table to give my games a new dimension... but I'm not sure about how to build it. I only know one thing: I don't have too much time, and I prefer to spend my time painting my crews that building scenography. So I will use the woldworks files that I have... :D

So I'm writing here, asking for a kind advice from you, my pals... I have a few questions, also. So here are...

  1. Do you build a 3'x3' table or something smaller, that can allow me to put with another scenography?
  2. Do you make it modular? I mean, 4x1,5' (or more) moduls that I can combine to lchange the table.
  3. Wood base or something lighter? I'm thinking in polyurethane foam core covered with cardboard (I don't know how is the english word, sorry).
  4. Do you make corridors clearly marked in the board, or prefer to create it when adding the walls?

With this, I think that I could start to make mine... Also, if you have build it one and have pictures, I will like to see it... :D


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I think you have answered your own question:

So I will use the woldworks files that I have... :D

I don’t know which sets you have. For indoors, Dwarven halls, Himmelveil sewers, Oubliette, Thoumont’s and maybe even garden of the stone speakers are the best. Just make sure it is TerrainLinX.

The system is built around modularity. I have a ton of Worldworks stuff in my attick. It is really easy to make and fully expandable. I started by making a few tiles, to use as a basis. Thoumont’s for example is ideal for this. You can build 1 house (which you put on a normal table, then make some more floors to make a bigger house, and so on and so on, until you have something big enough to cover the entire table.

I have to admit that it can take a little while to make everything to cover a 3'x3' table, but once you are there, you will be very happy that you hung in there, because it will give you endless possibilities.

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Look at the link in my sig for the Theater that I built, which is indoor terrain. Granted, this took me quite a bit of time to build, but perhaps it can give you some ideas. It is 3'x3', and it is in 4 pieces so it's somewhat modular. But the best thing to do is to just agree with your players at the beginning of the game as to what objects are full height walls, what goes up to the ceiling, etc. We frequently play 'indoor' games with whatever random terrain we have available, and then we just identify which things are walls which go all the way to the ceiling.

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Something that I haven't done yet, but was inspired by when I went to PAX East, was to make an indoor piece of terrain. This one company, Soda Pop Miniatures, had a great terrain piece for their mini game coming out, Super Dungeon Explore.


From what I've been told, they bought foam insulation, carved down into it, and then coated it over with wood glue layers once it was carved the way they wanted. After that, they used an Airbrush.

As someone entirely freakin' new to building and converting models/terrain, I don't have an airbrush, but I want to make a Malifaux Sewer system using this set up... maybe melt in some resin for water effects, etc etc... that's the hope, anyway!

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It also depends whether this is just for home use, or at a club or for demos in various locations.

I'm planning a transportable one for demos that will be mainly MDF board with MDF walls (which are offcuts 2" wide from when the 8x4' board was cut down to two 3x3' boards).

All planned out in my head, just need a sunny day to get it all built.

Got some cool resin doors for cells/labs as well.

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