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Wanting to get better with Perdita


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I am still fresh to Malifaux, with half a dozen games under my belt, i have found that the game is in depth to the point where i cannot give enough time to focus on more then a single master, so ive gone with Perdita since the beginning and havent stopped. So far i am 3-3 with her, getting the basocs down, but im looking for input on my lists. we play 25ss and recently started larger 35ss games.








2 spare ss

35ss (only one game so far)

adds Ryle

2 spare ss

I understand the neph/perdita "obey" trick with papa, and in fact that has one me one of my games alone. i tend to play perdita defensivly, as a gun platform to handle stuff that gets into my lines. my lists are shooty and i tend to play avoidace more then confronting enemies toe to toe.

Ryle is very new to me and I am wondering if he is a fit or should i get something else in their instead.

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Im glad that you have the dedication, or should I say the willpower lol, to stay focused on the one master you have. I'm sure that once you get more games under your belt, you will be one of the toughest perdita players out there.

So on to the list:

You said that you liked the whole "platform" feel to a defensive perdita list, so my question is to you: Why don't you like to run Santiago and Francisco?

They are both heavy hitters at range, I believe that they might have a little less range than the witchlings, but they are straight up nasty. Not only at shooting, they can hold the line so to speak when you find those pesky neverborn getting too close to your models.

so I believe that if you take this list at 25 ss games:


Santiago -7

Francisco -5

Nino -7

Papa -5

you have a ss cache of 3 (1 left over and then perditas natural 2)

this list is pretty nasty, you can use a wide range of tactics as well, most notably is the Ortega Alpha strike. Since they can all activate with Miss Ortega, or activate two at a time if you wish, depending on what situations you find yourself in.

If we were to expand the list to 35 ss:

Take the same as above but add,

Nephilim -2

Abuela -7

Now you have 4 total ss in your cache (if you dont believe me then add it up lol)

You said that you employ Perdita to obey Papa a lot, well Abuela can do it as well, so think of even more possibilities that can bring. Abuela can also make a healing flip that brings the rest of the Family models to heal the same amount of wounds. I think if you wanted to add a little support to your list at 35 SS the granny ortega is the way to go.

I took out the stalkers because they tend to go boom when they die... If you have your Ortegas all close together then it is easy to just pick off the stalkers.

Ryle is a good suppressive fire model, but I don't think that he synergies well with the Ortegas. This is completely my opinion but, Ryle can't be obeyed by Perdita, or get any buffs that the rest of your crew might be able to give him, because he is counted as unfriendly.

Again this is all just my two cents, but i really think you should run the whole family adding the totem and the granny when you want to play bigger games.

Dont forget that Abuela can potentially make non family members such as Mercs that you might take later, able to companion as family.

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The Ortegas that should be a part of each Ortega list are Nino and Santiago. If you're looking to branch out, get Abuela. She's going to enable a lot of Guild models to work even better with the Ortegas, giving them the Family trait.

Also, the Ortega box is a 25ss list.

Santiago 7

Nino 7

Francisco 5

Papa Loco 6

Adding Abuela and the Enslaved Nephilim makes a 34ss list.

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Family works well, but I tend to not really run a family Perdita crew and have been quite successful. For example against Lilth I ran this 35ss crew:


Ryle 8ss

Santiago 7ss

Executioner 7ss

2 Death Marshals 8ss

Enslaved Nephlim 2ss

Game was shared slaughter. I came out on top in that game. I am sure if my oppenent catches this thread he will a test a lot of it was luck but it is still a mean crew for example Perdita single handedly took on his whole crew minus 2 terror tots for one turn without dieing.

I only find the executioner effective with a death marshal in a Perdita list. Bury and obey the best of melee into in the fray.

My crew lacks the ability to do the patented alpha strike that makes the Ortegas so dangerous.

Point is a family crew can work well, but with all guilds you can model your crew to whatever your strategy you want with whatever guild models available.

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I like to run Perdita with the Judge. I think my last 25ss game was:


Judge -7

Santiago -7

Fransisco - 5

Guild Austringer -5

Then I only took one scheme to give me a total of 5ss to play with. I like to run the judge because he has good melee and ranged stats, and he can keep up with Perdita when she starts to move (with a 6" walk, it's tough to find someone to keep up).

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can you give me an example of how to use the familiy companion ability? i have never used it before.

Companion is awesome with Perdita, because the statement ins Companion (Family). Perdita is the only one who doesn't have the Companion in her abilities. So you activate Perdita. Any model with the Family descriptor within 6" can activate immediately after Perdita. Basically this means you can activate your entire crew in the first activation. Abuela has "Shotgun Wedding" which gives non-unique friendly models Companion (Family) until the end of the encounter, but she can only do it once per encounter. It's still pretty good.

I also believe, though I could be wrong, that with the Ortegas, if you have at least two of them within 6" of each other they can activate one after another. In other words, if Fransisco and Santiago are next to each other, they can companion with one another and move together. I'm not 100% on this part though, and would love someone else's input on it.

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ok an example.

You have nino on a small hill with Lilith in his sights.

you have santiago 5" from nino surrounded by a mature nephilim and two young.

you have francisco at the base of the hill 2" away from nino.

You have perdita next to santiago with a clear line of sight to lillith as well.

So you activate nino,and activate companion family. you choose to activate francisco,perdita and santiago as well. This actually allows you to choose which of those four models you choose to activate first. santiago activates,does his terrifying check and activates "leadstorm",and you cheat in a low card to avoid hurting your own models.

Afterwards you activate nino who puts a pair of bullets into lilith.

then you activate perdita,who obeys francisco to charge the mature nephilim and then put another pair of bullets into lilith,causing momma nightmare to fall down and take a breather.

finally you activate francisco,who was part of the activation chain even if he is no longer within the 6 inchs when he actually activates,who takes terrifying check and flurrys and wrecks the mature nephilim.

Now this is done purely from memory of how it can be done,so if I made mistakes please someone point them out.

Edited by Dark Alleycat
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The Ortegas are (arguably) the best crew in the Guild faction.

Mr. Fell:

I am hereby noticing you of your impending arrest and detainment by request of the Lord Governor's Secretary, Lucius himself. Lucius dutifully requests that you see him immediately due your rumored "Acts of false instigation" and would like to sort out the matter.

Don't worry about stopping in, we make house calls.

In Service of the Governor,



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The Ortegas are very much one of the top notch sub-factions. But I urge you not to overlook other Guild models.

Death Marschals don't out shoot Ortegas, but they come close. Plus there close combat is not bad and they are not easy to kill. Witchling Stalkers are similiar.

The Guild Austiger is almost as good as a sniper as Nino. His lack of damage is made up for by the fact that he can remain behind blocking cover and still attack.

Some mentioned Shotgun wedding on the Judge, but he is not a valid target(must be a non-unique living model). Instead use it on the Austriger or the Executioner. Both are very good additions to your crew

Final something that I was surprised didn't get brought up. Learn to love the obey spell. Perdita has it, so does Abuala and the totem can cast it. Most new players think of it as a spell to use against enemy models but it also works very well as a way to give other models free actions.

Finally my last bit of advice is to keep you Ortegas in small 2 to 3 man kill teams. Sure sometimes activating the entire group at once can win you the game but often times its best to just activate 2 of them at a time to out maneuver your opponent. Also just because you can companion doesn't mean you should. Bad Ortega players companion every turn, good Ortega players know that you only need one good Alpha strike(the name used when you activate all your Ortegas at once) to win a game.

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Mr. Fell:

I am hereby noticing you of your impending arrest and detainment by request of the Lord Governor's Secretary, Lucius himself. Lucius dutifully requests that you see him immediately due your rumored "Acts of false instigation" and would like to sort out the matter.

Don't worry about stopping in, we make house calls.

In Service of the Governor,



It's okay, you'll never find me, if you're looking for a gent. This gals got a gunfighters pistol and a couple rounds with your name on it ;)


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The Ortegas are (arguably) the best crew in the Guild faction. Not only do they "work" great straight out of the box, but they integrate into other crews really well. And they are able to use other models from different crews very well.

I would go a step further and claim that, prior to Book 2, the Ortegas made the Guild.

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It's okay, you'll never find me, if you're looking for a gent. This gals got a gunfighters pistol and a couple rounds with your name on it ;)


Now now there is no need to dabble in such crude behaviors. I indeed do apologize for the mix up. In fact, seeing as to how you have been a real sport with helping in us finding you, I will not visit you in the night, in fact, I shall not even send an armed retinue. As a show of my appreciation, I will send my pair of attorneys in the morning.



Edited by FrereSebastian
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