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Professionalism pt 1

Dark Alleycat

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Well...I decided to try this whole writing thing again. This time about my squad of Freikorpman. This is part 1...more to follow.

Professionalism. Its the difference between a solid, dependable Merc, one that will get the job done and will follow the contract with no hesitation or complaints, and a piece of gutter trash that kills for money and is as likely to rob or kill the person that hires them as accomplish the job they are supposed to. Von Schill doesn't accept just anyone into the Korps, you have to prove yourself capable, creative and well disciplined before your training even begins. Once its finished, you're an expert in marksmanship, hand to hand, and small unit tactics, able to face everything the wide world of Malifaux sends your way without blinking. But most importantly, you have had the concept of professionalism pounded into your skull so hard it never slips.

So tonight the job was supposed to be simple. Gather a package of rare books left in the home of a recently deceased Arcanist, and ensure said manuals made it back safely to the courier waiting downtown. Normally this would mean that a pair of troopers, possibly lead by one of the Librarians would have done this. So why is a full squad of the biggest badasses the city of Malifaux ever hosted doing it you ask? Well, that’s where it gets complicated. See first of all, the intel we were given stated that the package was in his workshop a few short blocks from the edge of the Quarantine zone. Secondly, the reason Von Schill authorized the full squad, plus two of our special assets is likely due to the fact that we weren't the only ones after the book.

The Lt. leading us was named Mercy. Probably one of the nastiest bastards I have ever met. He was taking point, working his way down the alley. Behind him was our medic, Croaker. She was a trained Librarian, well versed in healing and defensive magics. Running along the rooftops above us was Raven, the squad's sniper- another hardass with a collection of cutlery that would put knife shops to shame, and a grin that says he would rather be sticking you with them then talking to you. To my right is Goblin,one of the special assets attached to us for this. The large bundle at the small of his back catches the light as he moves past me,bone and chrome and bronze glinting. Having seen it in action I know that its a second pair of clockwork arms,allowing him to out shoot just about anything short of a Gatling gun. Beside him is Lady, the other special asset, her two handed relic hammer strapped to her back. Having seen the destruction she is capable of causing I feel better knowing she is there. The tight jeans she is wearing certainly don’t hurt the view either. Covering rear is Corbie, heavy fuel tank slowing him down slightly. I have never seen someone with more affinity for fire in all my years. The man is an artist with it, capable of making it twist and dance almost effortlessly. He is also the one I worry about the most, ever since last week when he set the patch of woods we were all in on fire to smoke out some neverborn beast that seemed to meld with the trees. Effective to be sure, but certainly not what I would call subtle. Actually I would call him a danger to himself and his immediate environment.

As we drew closer to the edge of the zone, the hairs on the back of my neck began to rise. I could swear I felt multiple someone's watching me, but every where I looked we were alone. Finally the workshop was in sight, so the rest of the squad spread out around it, ensuring we wouldn't be disturbed, while Croaker and I slipped up to the door. The sharp tip of my knife gouged out the plate covering the lock, allowing Croaker to place her fingers on the mechanism and whisper a short string of syllables, causing the door to open inwards. And it was right about then that things went straight to hell.

The crack of a rifle was the first warning we had that something was wrong. It was immediately followed by what sounding like a unholy union between a steam train and a marching band rapidly approaching the house. "Action front 30 meters" came the shouted warning above us as Raven leaped the alley onto the next building,spinning to let off another shot. With a smirk,Goblin lit one of his nasty smelling cigarillo's and then reached for his revolvers,the bundle on his back unfolding like the arms of a gigantic mechanical spider, each one carrying another revolver. He dashed out the door, followed immediately by Lady, hefting her hammer with a crooked grin. Meanwhile Croaker continued searching the house for the books,while I took up position at the door.

As I looked into the street outside,I finally saw the source of the unholy racket. It had mechanical crab legs,and the upper torso of a human,with multiple wires embedded throughout its muscular body. As I watched,it rushed towards Mercy and Goblin,until a pair of rifle shots took out its front two legs,sending it skidding forward on the wreckage until Lady stepped up and swung her hammer in a short overhand arc,shattering its steel-reinforced skull down into its chest. As she did so,a wrinkled old man stepped from behind a wall,soundly cursing her in a thin,reedy voice. "Alyce! shoot those intruders!" With that a teenage girl steps from behind him and levels a largebore pistol at Mercy and fires,the impact knocking him down. At this Goblin swung around,leveling all four pistols at the girl and began firing,sending a wave of lead crashing against the wall she had crouched behind,the furious barrage keeping their heads down.

From up above us came the sounds of more cursing,followed by a short shriek as Raven fell backwards off the roof,covered in small mechanical spiders.He lay crumpled in a heap on the remains of a cargo box,two of the three spiders that had assaulted him running for where Lady stood,while the third twitched its brass limbs,disabled by Raven's weight and the sharp steel of his combat knife. From where I stood I couldn't tell whether he still drew breath or not.

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