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Von Schill starting crew!


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Hello, So basicly I started playing malifaux 2 weeks ago by borrowing some of my local groups units and playing some intro games, yesterday i was playing against one of the members using some of his freikorps units and decided i really liked them. After afew hours brainstorming i decided i could afford to make a freikorps crew and as the name of this thread suggests i shall post a list of my 35ss crew. please give me some feedback and and good alternatives, i am new to the game so i probbably have made afew mistakes.

On to the list!!!

Von Schill

Prett self explanitory, he's the master/henchman for freikorps and they really wouldn't work too well without him.

Freikorpsman x2

A good, balanced 4ss unit, not much explaining is needed really. his armour and overall balanced stats make him a good basic unit.

Freikorps Librarian

One of my favourite freikorps units. The main reason for this is the ability to heal and shield my units and while she may cost a control card to activate she allows you to draw a hand of 7 cards.

Freikorps Specialist

Even if the specialist is not my favourite unit, i must admit that he is very effective. He is basicly a freikorps man with a flamethrower and the ability to blow up upon death and that alone is enough to replace a Freikorpsman.

Freikorps Trapper x2

One of my preffered Freikorps units. The trapper allows you to lay down ranged damage from 16" away, combined with abilitys which let him ignore almost all terrain for shooting and movement he can make a great support unit.

Desperate Mercenarys x2

To fill the gap in my crew i have included 2 desperate mercenarys, and whilst they may be one of the cheapest units they are also one of the most effective. Whilst its stats may seem very basic it makes up for it in it abilitys. The two main abilitys being, "(0) For my family" and also "(1) Uncontrolled fire". When combined it lets you fire four times at +1 cb and with a +2 towards the damage flip, However desperate mercenarys die at the end of the turn "(0) For my family" is used.

SoulStone total

Overall the total SS cost is 36 out of The 39 max, this leaves me with 3 soulstones for Reflipping initiative or preventing damage on Von Schill.


Thank you for taking time to read this thread, please leave some constructive critisism and ideas on how to further improve. :)

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A nice starting crew.

Depending on what people around you play, you might want to look at Taelor, Johan or Misaki for a magic weapon. I find that vs a heavy spirit crew, or any crew containing Jack Daw I struggle with no magical attacks.

I also find that I don't have any heavy melee unit which can cause problems. So adding one of those can do that as well.

I don't use the friekorpsman much, as whilst they are nice for 4 points, the rest of the crew is better, and I use those points on some other mercenary.

But if you don't face those problems, stick with your current plan.


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A nice starting crew.

Depending on what people around you play, you might want to look at Taelor, Johan or Misaki for a magic weapon. I find that vs a heavy spirit crew, or any crew containing Jack Daw I struggle with no magical attacks.

I also find that I don't have any heavy melee unit which can cause problems. So adding one of those can do that as well.

I don't use the friekorpsman much, as whilst they are nice for 4 points, the rest of the crew is better, and I use those points on some other mercenary.

But if you don't face those problems, stick with your current plan.


Thank you for the suggestion, after i wrote this i did happen to look into johan. i may not be able to buy him straight away however i will eventually, also i dont care for the freikorpsmann to much, however they are effective. What would you recommend i replace the freikorpsmann with though?

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Since you get the friekorpsman with the box set anyway, I would suggest to start with play them and after a few games, when you have a better idea of what you are missing for your play style, look for something that fits your needs.

Find you are beign out shot, Hans works well.

Need more melee, Ronin are good at there price.

Need a big hitter, the Taelor, Johan, Misaki and the Victorias all have a much higher damage output.

Want to play with spells, go with hamelin the ratcatcher.

Big scary thing, pick up Killjoy (May want to kep friekorpsman in the list to sacrifice to get him into play).

Something that can stand up to just about anyone, Bishop is pretty tough.

And as you get the time and money, havign a few of these options lets you mix and match depending on what your stratagy is

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I like using the list above, except I use the Student of Conflict instead of the Desperate Mercs. The Student give you the chance to make some one fast (just imagine von Schill with Nimble, Instinctual, and Fast). Of coarse anyone in the crew could be made fast and this gives a good punch when needed.

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It's worth noting, that you can not go above 35SS - those free 4SS on Von Schill can not be spent on increasing the size of your force.

With that sorted, the one issue I'd raise (that is touched upon above) is that you're lacking a real heavy hitter than can help out VS in the damage dealing department - Misaki or Taelor would really help here.

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It's worth noting, that you can not go above 35SS - those free 4SS on Von Schill can not be spent on increasing the size of your force.

Malifaux Rules Manual (zee new one)

Pg. 71

When a Henchman leads a Crew in a scrap, it costs 0 Soulstones to hire, just like a Master. Add the model's Henchman Resources bonus to the available Soulstones for hiring Minions. Henchmen cannot lead Brawls.

Von Schill indeed gets 39 Soulstones in a 35 stone scrap.

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Malifaux Rules Manual (zee new one)

Pg. 71

When a Henchman leads a Crew in a scrap, it costs 0 Soulstones to hire, just like a Master. Add the model's Henchman Resources bonus to the available Soulstones for hiring Minions. Henchmen cannot lead Brawls.

I stand (sit?) corrected (it's on page 35 of Rising Powers for anyone who wishes to see it in there).

I've never wanted to run Von Schill with less than 4SS, so it's never come up - the assumption being the the SS Cache works the same for Henchman (running as Masters) as it does for Masters. Odd that it doesn't, I think.

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I stand (sit?) corrected (it's on page 35 of Rising Powers for anyone who wishes to see it in there).

I've never wanted to run Von Schill with less than 4SS, so it's never come up - the assumption being the the SS Cache works the same for Henchman (running as Masters) as it does for Masters. Odd that it doesn't, I think.

yeah it's interesting your always trying to spend the perfect amount on your crew since the soulstone pool can never be larger than their reserve is. as RogueBaker did most lists I come up with tend to be at 36 points and I might have to try proxying his list. I like it, or try running

Von Schill


Freikorps Librarian

Freikorps Specialist

Freikorps Trapper x2


36ss Total

Edited by winters_night
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