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Deathjester's Ortega Family


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Hi all, thought it was about time to start posting some of my painted crews. Iam nearly 40 and come to the conclusion that I am as good at painting as I am ever going to be. I know all about blending, drybrushing, washes, inks, layering etc.. just when it comes into practice I have to make do with the little skill I have.

My camera is just a plain simple digital and I know these are not on par with some on these boards so please just enjoy what I have painted and try not to be too critical. Thanks

This is my second crew and really enjoyed putting these together and especially putting the bases together.

ebay033b.jpg ebay011.jpg ebay012ec.jpg ebay014rd.jpg ebay015a.jpg ebay035d.jpg ebay034g.jpg

Edited by Deathjester
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Looks good.

Any tips on the leather?

Mostly the dusters and shiny leather were painted with GW Scorched Brown followed by brown ink wash watered down. I add a little bleached bone to the wash and then dry brush vermin brown and bleached bone. Weathering is done via multiple drybrushes of Adeptus Grey, Iyanden Darksun and then Graveyard Earth. Hope that helps.

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