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When I grow up I wanna be...

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I always wanted to teach people games for a living. Ever since I learned my first board game I have loved them. So far so good, I travel from store to store promoting this and that to the communities and host events for games I excel in. I love it, and want to work with games for the rest of my life.

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Firstly, sorry for the long post.

When I was really young I went through the usually policeman, fireman sort of stuff, then I wanted to be an illustrator or something. I remember seeing the behind-the-scene features for the Lord of the Rings trilogy and was amazed by the artwork and design process for all the creatures and monsters. Then I realized I couldn't draw. Then I wanted to be an author, because I liked writing and had a short story published when I was 12. Then I realized I could probably never write anything more than two dozen pages long. Then I wanted to be an archeologist, because my school had an absolutely amazing history department - including a teacher of the year - and I've always loved history, plus I was watching Two Men in a Trench at the time. But then I realised that rocks and piecies of old pottery weren't as cool as the history books and TV shows show them to be. Ironically I don't have a good enough imagination for archeology.

After that I tried to think of every job, with preasure mounting since I needed to apply to universities, but I just couldn't think of anything fulfilling.

Then I watched Shaun of the Dead, and everything changed.

I saw it a lot later than everyone else, but when I did I couldn't help but notice the editing style, the sound effects, the writing, etc, etc. I watched the behind-the-scenes and got yet another glimpse into the film industry and thought "That looks like a cool place to belong to".

But my problem was I couldn't do anything - camera, sound, editing - so I decided to be a director.

It's strange how a single career can combine all your passions into one. Filmmaking combines my love of art, history, music, literature and of course films. As long as I have money in my bank - oops - I can make films about anything, anywhere, surrounded by the kind of talanted people I could only dream of being. And best of all, at the end of the day I get to see the glimer in people's eyes as they embrace the world I have created, for them.

Maybe one day I'll make a Malifaux film, or get a proper job instead. Like working for Wyrd :D

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