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My random painted Malifaux mini thread.


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Starting to crack into my Malifaux painting at the moment, after a long haul in 15mm historical I've been really ready to paint fun stuff again!

First up was the model I had been really looking forward to painting, Candy! Perhaps one of the most win minis ever, and also a unique painting experience!

I took some heavy inspiration from a picture I saw of her a while ago online. She looks a little shiny due to the bright light in my painting room, and she has no base, as I'm waiting for them in the post!

I'll update her pic with a natural light one when I get the bases sorted. Hope you like her :)



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It pains me to have to say anything nice about your painting James but you've done a really great job on Candy and I agree with Darren your pictures here don't quite do her justice as she's even more striking in the flesh (so to speak!). Can't wait to play her on the table next! :)

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Baby Kade is done. Working through at a fairly fast rate now. You may notice his swirly thing on the top of his head is flesh coloured. My reasoning behind this is that I don't consider it hair, I see it as the whispy smoke type thing that sorrows and woes appear from in the fluff :)





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