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New, Hopeful, and Way Too Excited


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Ah, hello all! Name's Halflingspy, and I'm about to dive headfirst into this game. I've loved wargames and tabletop since I was eleven or so, but in the decade since then, couldn't ever find anyone to play with, thanks to moving about, cost of games, no car...

I'm a refugee from Warhammer, and been an Eldar player off and on for over a decade. I finally got a tabletop gaming group in the last year starting to meet regularly, and as much as I love Games Workshop sometimes, they also make me want to tear my hair out thanks to the crazy amount of cost and endless Space Marine love. I've been saying for a while that if I could find another tabletop game that I liked, any at all, I would probably jump on it as quick as I could. So, after one or two demonstration games and reading up on the fluff...

While I don't have any sets as of yet, I have two about to arrive this week - Lady Justice, and Showgirls. As an Eldar player, I guess its only natural that I would gravitate towards Showgirls and Colette thanks to her manipulation and crazy ruleset, and Lady Justice is just damn nifty, not to mention a way to get my hobby group to play. If I have a second army...

I'm looking forward to posting and learning a lot from the forums, I'm still way way too much a noob to the tabletop hobbies and hopefully this is a place to fix that!

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Thanks all!

And for as many gripes as I have against GW and some of their design choices and other decisions over the last bit, I still do have memories that are good about the game, and I do love me some Eldar. I'll keep that army, but I do sincerely hope that my appreciation of Malifaux just gets better, and it becomes a game that I can find players for and have fun playing often - its taking off around me, so glad for that!

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