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What do you carry your crews in?

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I use a portable warfare bag. I absolutely love it, although I've outgrown it. It's stackable, you can buckle additional bags together on top of one another. I'll be doing this over the next couple of weeks.


I second the Portable Warfare bag -- just got one, and it is an excellent product for the price point; the owners are quite professional and reply quickly to emails. The bag is not "armored" but I drive a car so I don't care; between the bag's padding and the foam, my minis are protected. I also like that it uses "standard" (in the US anyway) 7 1/2" x 13" foam.

I had BattleFoam's Malifaux bag and just sold it. It was a great idea, ruggedly made, but poorly executed. I could carry a goodly number of my minis (though I had to cut some of the foam to fit), but I could not carry my deck (sleeved) or my cards (sleeved), or much in the way of counters. The accessory area was well intentioned, but designed with too tight tolerances (bag would work well for most people that didn't sleeve their decks and cards, or carry much else).

Since I had to carry another bag anyway, the PW bag works great for smaller games. If I want to carry all my Malifaux stuff I use a Ranger bag from Outrider Hobbies (http://www.foamcorps.com/). This is a great bag, not overly large but it can carry all my minis and peripherals -- and it comes in some cool colors and fabrics. For those across the pond, KR seems to be a solid name and product as well; as does Fieldherr.

I think it all comes down to how much you are carrying; how much you want to be able to carry; how much you have to spend; and if you have sleeved your cards and decks. I think it is great that we have so many choices today. I remember a time when copy paper boxes were the way to go! Good luck finding one that suits you!

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I use a Battlefoam bag for my Flames of War kit and it only suffers with not having a suitable pocket for drinks/snacks. I like it because it's the right size, and has reinforced sides, to take on aircraft.

For my Malifaux figures I wanted something more in keeping with the theme so I found a couple of old wood/leather/metal steampunk style boxes on ebay that I fitted out with foam and they work a treat.

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Vote for Sabol from me. Plucking can be a pain, but it's very flexible and can be repurposed as necessary to handle new minis and game changes (me Seamus is currently occupying what used to be a tray for Satyxis Raisers). The variable tray sizes are easy to get independently and give you a lot of flexibility on how to store minis (standing, lying down) or accessories.

The thicker walls mean better protection but also more wasted space. I use magnets and metal for my Warhammer army, but for anything in the scale and count of Malifaux it's great.

I used Sabol long before I ever heard of Battlefoam, and some of their recent legal shenanigans have just reinforced that decision.

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