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Mortimer's Zombie Companion + Fresh Meat combo question


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OK, let's imagine a scenario:

In a straight line I got my Mortimer, ahead of him within 6" range I got, let's say, Flesh Construct and 5" away from Flesh Construct there's an enemy model.

I cast (0)Zombie Companion on my Flesh Construct making sure he activates when Mortimer has finished his activation. Then I cast (1)Fresh Meat! on Flesh Construct (and other models too) again to make him move towards the enemy.

After Mortimer has finished his activation do I:

* activate Flesh Construct as instructed by (0)Zombie Companion?

* cannot activate Flesh Construct because it's out of 6" range for (0)Zombie Companion

I think it would be a nice combo if the former was allowed. Is it?

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you need to cast Fresh Meat on the model that the undead have to walk to...

If you cast it on the Construct, thenn itself will not move...

So you need to cast it on the target, you want it to move to...

And Zombie Companion works when the target is in 6" when Mortimer uses this Ability... even if the target is out of 6" at the end of Mortimers Activation...

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Even better to activate Lilith, "companion" a Young/Mature Nephilim after her, and then Transposition it somewhere nasty, for a nasty combo ;)

This is an awesome strategy. I like to use it with an unactivated mature nephilim or young, and put it into melee range of an enemy master.

In a brawl I did this against Nicodem. I also had Zoraida, and was going to obey the mature as well.

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