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Getting the most out of Levi


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Well after playing a fair few games with Seamus and McMourning I wanted to branch out a little and I grabbed Leveticus. Now I love the concept and can wrap my head around how he works mainly what I'm thinking about is what to take to get the most out him and all his tricks.

To start with he can take any construct or undead, most of what I see for myself to load him up with is more construct based but I'm really trying to find some more undead.

Secondly Levi is in a really cool and unique position where he and his crew can make use of all suits in the deck. He can use either Crows or Tomes so minions that like Rams and Masks would be a good fit in my mind, although some minions that want either Tomes or Crows can work due to Levi's dual focus.

What I'm currently running: Bete Noir, Killjoy, Belle, Canine Remains, SPA, Alyce, Flesh Construct, Hanged, Jack Daw and Necropunks.

What I'm thinking of adding to the list: Steampunk Arachnids, Watcher, the Riders (when they are all out), Ashes & Dust (obviously when out) and maybe some Stolen

Now I'm not sure about all of those models on the add list and I'm sure I've missed a few that may work well also (maybe Ryle but I'm not 100% convinced). A watcher or two I see as good for objective grabbing and also getting around harmless and pitiful along with deck control so all round good utility models. Stolen I'm not sure about but they are Souless and have a few neat abilities that may help out with Levi generally not having too many significant models on the board (yes I know they're insignificant as well).

Now open for discussion what have other people found works well and do you find you use to get Levi working to his full potential?

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Well,I was on the recieving end of this rather then the playing end,but Molly Squidpidge works amazingly well with Leveticus. Being able to take away his mobility weakness did wonders.

I would honestly recommend a Belle and Molly to use with Levi...and on the plus side she works well with Seamus too,and you will allready have the Belle lol. Her being able to use one of levi's spells as well as making him have a move of 6 combined with the belle luring,it wiped my entire team in a very short order.

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Hmm so my nemesis is starting Levi, huh? Part of me is glad I'm living on the other side of Australia now. :D

Given your Resser collection you've pretty much got everything you need for a decent Levi crew. Alyce and a canine remains are more or less essential. After that you can't really go wrong IMO.

Anything that drops a scrap counter is great (for creating steampunk abominations), but you also want to make sure you include a few cheap objective-grabbers (necropunks are decent for this IMO). While I haven't tried it, a rotten belle is probably great purely for her Lure.

One idea is to look through the books and find any undead/constructs with a :crows on their :melee Cb and/or a good Cb: :crows trigger, since it synergises really well with Levi's "Blessings of Desolation". The only one I can remember off hand is the Flesh Construct, but there's definitely others.

From your list of possible models to add, I think you should definitely grab a watcher. I've no idea why people aren't more excited about it - that thing is awesome for what you pay. I'm with you on the grabbing objectioves potential, but what really stood out for me is it's ability to ignore cover for your crew. Ignoring the :-fate flip from shooting into cover makes Alyce and Levis :ranged attacks so much harder to avoid.

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No Steampunk Abominations and Desolation Engine?! Heresy!

Neh but those are 2 very very good models with Levy, especially since he can make more of the SPA's and there isn't much in the game that is as dangerous as the Desolation Engine. So I heavily heavily recommend them.

Steampunk Arachnids are a good choice for objective capping, not really much better at it for him and still being able to actually slug it out.

As far as Constructs, the Hooded Rider, Ryle, and the Guardian are FANTASTIC with Leveticus. The Rider is just purely all around badass, he hits hard and can get in close on ranged models. Ryle can put out a ton of damage and really adds a huge amount of ranged threat to his list. Guardians are tough as nails an can help keep Leveticus or other minions alive at times when he doesn't want him or his minions to die. Plus all 3 leave Scrap Counters so he can make the ever potent SPA's from them and eventually form the Desolation Engine and go to town!

Alyce is another great option for her utility and ranged threat. But Ryle does tend to do more damage. But that said, Alyce also has Headshot which can be an amazingly useful tool after you have already ransacked your opponents hand by a ruthless on-slaught, just pop a shot in a Masters head and watch the SS fly away.

Bette is another popular model for him because he can put Blessing of Desolation on her and send her out to go make more SPA's for him. Again it's all about hte SPA's man, you need at least 4 of these models and a Desolation Engine ;D

The Watcher can certainly bring a lot of utility to your crew as well, Rathnard put it nicely. Levy and Alyce/Ryle are very lethal at range so being able to let them ignore cover to a target is perfect for them. Plus it is a great objective grabber, just don't try to really do much combat with it... thats where it sorta crumbles heh.

Levy's play style revolves around his death and rebirth cycles but beyond that, his crew's style is heavily varied. You can do Factory lists, Melee Beat stick lists, range power houses, Tricksie lists, speed lists etc. There are a lot of options available to him so I suggest you pick one style you like first and go from there. I personally favor more Constructs then undead with Levy because every dead construct can come back as part of the greatest engine of destruction in the game, the Desolation Engine. You get more then double duty out of Constructs which I am sure you are used to with your ressers. Corpse counters do very little for him as he can only make them into Waifs. So I steer towards construct for that reason.

I've never liked Belles with Levy as I get better mileage out of pure combat machines and undead for him. If there is a ranged threat, Levy can just power it down himself or dispatch Ryle and Alyce to blow something away. He doesn't do much for his crew really, he can't buff them expect for Blessing of Desolation with does add that nifty Crow to their Cb. So for this reason some of the melee focused undead can benefit greatly from this to gain their triggers easier. Rathnard already said this, but it is worth saying it all again.

So in the end, you need to decide how you want to play Levy, because his core concept never changes. But his crew's hiring ability and his ability to mesh perfectly with just about any crew configuration is where his strength lies. But in the end, it always comes down to SPA's and the Desolation Engine. I think you would well... honestly be stupid to ignore these models or the chance to make them. The Desolation Engine is the most dangerous thing you can take and as you play more with it, you will get better with it. You don't always need to hire these models, but you want at least 4 SPA models and a Desolation Engine so that you can make them during play.

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Ryle ?

Perhaps you have some sort of trick to share for him. He has done next to nothing for me any time I play him. min damage 1 is 2 low for such a high ss cost model.

Yeah it is low, but with a little luck and keeping the right cards for his trigger, you jump that damage by a lot. Plus if he gets Severe, you get another flip. All of it adding together before Armor and doing one heck of a punch to a model! Plus with Ranged Expert +1 that is a possible 3 shots a turn let alone his 2 action for the multiple shots. He can get around some pesky duels to target a model and can actually move surprisingly fast with well planned use of his (0) action.

I don't have my book on me so I can't give a ton of specifics right now, but Im really surprised to hear you say he doesn't seem good. I'll try to post more later tonight.

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No Steampunk Abominations and Desolation Engine?! Heresy!

I already have 6 SPAs and the Engine so worry not.

I was really wondering whether majority constructs was the best way to travel with Levi and you have confirmed that for me ... looks like I'll be getting the Hoffman box in April to add to his list :D

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I already have 6 SPAs and the Engine so worry not.

I was really wondering whether majority constructs was the best way to travel with Levi and you have confirmed that for me ... looks like I'll be getting the Hoffman box in April to add to his list :D

Same here =D I like Hoffman and I will be using nearly all his constructs with Levy at least heh.

Well glad to hear things worked out.

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