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Keeping Secret of what the keeper has done this week

the keeper

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Greetings all,

This is a very secret thread, only a select few of the readers will be able to remember this tread after the first glance. If you are one of the lucky guys who can, please enjoy.

I'm having 2 weeks of vacation and except for playing a lot of WoW I don't have a lot to do. So finaly, I've started building something I wanted to build from the first day I played Malifaux. I began playing using Zoradia the hag. And fluff-wise she has a walking house. I'll ask you: What's great about a walking house? Well, wait and see.

In my urge to build I started with the legs, so everything I show you today are WIP pictures.


After that I started building the main body of the house, it started something like this:


But, that wasn't cool enough yet, so I added some more things:



So now I'm glueing the wood against the foamcore to give it a more outhouse feeling. Once this is done, I will post some updated photos.

On a side note, I would also like to share the latest mini I painted, The Moskal's General on War Bull from Scibor.168406_1693314046133_1036253109_31861917_5560957_n.jpg

Edited by the keeper
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My wife says you have to stop posting things like this. You’re giving me ideas and that isn’t too good for my marriage.

She says our house isn’t big enough to stock all my terrain projects. I disagree. I think the kids can perfectly sleep in the cupboard under the stairs (Who knows, maybe it will make wizards out of all 3 of them).

So please, either stop posting this stuff, or tell me that you have plenty of space at your home where I can put my stuff.

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My wife says you have to stop posting things like this. You’re giving me ideas and that isn’t too good for my marriage.

She says our house isn’t big enough to stock all my terrain projects. I disagree. I think the kids can perfectly sleep in the cupboard under the stairs (Who knows, maybe it will make wizards out of all 3 of them).

So please, either stop posting this stuff, or tell me that you have plenty of space at your home where I can put my stuff.

Well I'm afraid you only have one choice because if I stop posting pictures the leprechauns will come and steal all my beer. And we can't have that now can we, so you will need to have a divorce and buy a big warehouse to stock all your scenery and while we are at it make sure it big enough so I can store my stuff there to.

So here are some more pictures




now we go and do some more detailing.

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You nee to lego technic that s**t . So it can stand up!

Freem moving legs and a riser in the middle may look like its standing on its leggs

Btw, i released the leprechaun under his bed. To boost his productivity

Before a certain mmorpg devours him, its eeeeeevil

Edited by yazza
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You nee to lego technic that s**t . So it can stand up!

Freem moving legs and a riser in the middle may look like its standing on its leggs

I wanted to go for a frog like feeling for the house, i need to make some smaler legs for the front, I imaginen the house hopping around, Im gone have all the stuff bound to the side so it doesn't fall off.

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Well I'm afraid you only have one choice because if I stop posting pictures the leprechauns will come and steal all my beer.

Down with leprechauns. Free-loadin' little bastards. Why can't they get they're own beer? Leave us ALONE.

well frog is the other white meat. Didn't Kermit have something going with the chicken in the muppets...

What?!? He was two-timing Miss Piggy?

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Interesting concept. :D

I like the multiple rooms take on the hut. The legs are interesting as well. I find it a bit odd that you mounted them to the back of the hut instead of the center though. I would thing that making it actually stand would be much easier that way.

Also, do you plan on making it work? I have a lot of ideas about how to execute that. When I built mine I was originally going to motorize the thing but the decision was made to not have it move as a moving piece of uncontrolled terrain could potentially damage the figures. Bad juju there.

All in all I like it. I'm looking forward to seeing more of this. :D

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The plan is to keep the house close to the ground, Like the frog is close to the ground.

The house would be hopping around so im afraid im nog going to make it work. aldo i did think about it at first, i still have a lot of lego lieing around here.......

And that is a nice walking house Ratty, i might have to burrow (or steal) some stuff from that.

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Heh. There's always this:


A bit more classic (It's what Dan Weber wrote the story after...) However I think having the legs centrally mounted with the house raised up makes for a very dynamic looking piece.

It has the added benefit of not really impacting the play space of the table as well. So you get a nice showcase piece that doesn't impact gameplay over much.


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Heh. There's always this:

A bit more classic (It's what Dan Weber wrote the story after...) However I think having the legs centrally mounted with the house raised up makes for a very dynamic looking piece.

It has the added benefit of not really impacting the play space of the table as well. So you get a nice showcase piece that doesn't impact gameplay over much.


Bugking you are totaly right, I know that house, and it is totaly awesome, But i wanted to do my own thing and not copy from somebody else (becouse i probebly couldn't do the original any justice)

To show you what i am going for i scetched this thing.


and sorry for my english my girlfriend who normaly corrects my posts has examination

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