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Men Need Hippy Red Terns!!!!!

(read it aloud, & very very fast.)

(faster than that!)


Now get off the darned 'net, call some Real Life mates, & go and really cut loose. You're young, you're hung, now get out & bung it on! And phone the gridiron player after you've slept it off and brag about what you've got up to.

(Then post the juicy bits here. Especially the vids!)


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To Ooze i do have friends but they let me down, :) i have someone special i would like to spend it with but hes unavailable right now as he lives so far away. :( nevertheless, thank you all for your birthday wishes. :)

I baked you a cake, but it was mysteriously eaten?

I would bake another, but you live far away and might eat it and I can't bake

Edit forgot to say happy birthday Princess, *does a wyrd dance just for you*

Edited by Sliver Chocobo
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