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Hello from North East UK!


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Hi and welcome! I can't help you much with players in your area, as I'm a good 8 time zones away, but I know we seem to be spreading throughout the UK pretty well, and hopefully that means you'll have people in your area to find a game with! I bet there may even be some around these boards. But great to hear you're enjoying the game, and I hope you enjoy your time on these boards as well!

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I just wanted to say that I've well and truely caught the Malifaux bug now.

3 crews bought, building terrain and now started a Malifaux blog entitled "A Fistful of Soulstones".

Its mainly about my painting and terrain building but hope to put some fan fiction up there soon too.

If you fancy giving it a look over then here it is: :-


I'd love to hear what you think and any ideas on what you'd like to see.


Edited by Andy_B
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