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Levi Vs guild


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Looking at faceing a guild list in an upcomeing game. Given current playlists I will probably be faceing a 30ss perdita crew mostly just ortegas and guild austringers. Thinking of trying the hooded rider, dead rider and alice.

Idea being Hooded rider cant be targeted with range attacks and If I run the other player out of activations I can give the dead rider reactivate take 2 wounds so he starts fast and hopefully ride out and pick off models dragging them back to become spa fodder for levi. As long as I can get far enough away with dead rider I can give him 3 wounds back after alice takes him to 1.

Any one ever try this tactic or have any insight that may help?

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I like complicated thats why I play levi :)

As far as limited turns goes being as most guild crews are at most 8 models at a 30 point game. Thining out a couple the first turn could prove very potent. Depending on the mission of the game of corse that changes how everything works just thinking up battle plans for missions where killing off a few models from relative safety is a good plan.

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I've tried this before actually and tried a lot of Blitz style tactics with Alyce. They mostly work well but they are such hit or miss tactics I don't favor them really. You just have to be careful of Slow to Die models which the guild has a few of. I also would hold off a turn if your hand is not strong. Have Levy move up and mess people up but try to build up for hand for this tactic. Im just not sure how your going to out activate them with so few models.

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The goal of this is to hit and run to force the Ortega crew to advance forward to me rather then me coming to them.

I will probably take 2 dogs with the last 4 points. Burn dog activations then waif then alice can give reactivate and walk once as that will still put her well out of range of the other side. Levi can then kill a dog and make another waif.

That means the other side would have to do 6 to 7 activations first turn before the dead rider would make its charge.

Even if the plan wont work out due to the other guys actions its not like I am screwed just because I took 2 riders and Alice as they are all solid models for levi outside of the tactic.

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True, they are very solid models. But if the guild gets it's claws into you, it will rip you apart like tissue paper. So just be really careful about what LOS you give them and abuse the heck out of Mounted Combat to strike from hidden areas, but it looks like you already know that.

It could work certainly *nods*.

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If you KNOW you're fighting Perdita, I'd think The Dreamer would be the way to go. Fog aura and dropping nightmares right on her crap means their ranged attacks are useless and they will have to take tons of terrifying checks.

Activate the Dreamer's ability to give nightmares terrifying, and then drop 3 totems and a couple teddies in the middle of the Ortegas and watch them have to make several moral duels per model. Stubborn only works on defense and there is no defender in a terrifying check.

Also, if you bury and unbury your whole crew the next turn, it will mean that any model that didn't run away has to test again.

You just have to worry about Perdita herself and it is basically a coin flip to give her -defense flip with the Dreamers spell (assuming you both soulstone it).

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Cant understand why. Never had much issue with her. Then again I just load up on aoe she don't like them much. :)

So just curious karn what would you field at 30 points vs perdita crew.

For Leveticus? Or Pandora? ;D (I still go at Perdita with Pandora, love my Box holding fem-fatal).

I'll try to post something when I get home later, don't have my lists with me right now and I don't have point values memorized.

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If you KNOW you're fighting Perdita, I'd think The Dreamer would be the way to go. Fog aura and dropping nightmares right on her crap means their ranged attacks are useless and they will have to take tons of terrifying checks.

Cant do that its a league game I am stuck with one master for the duration.

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Still in my opinion with Levi you can't go wrong with the riders. The hooded rider is almost a mainstay in my crew and can't wait to get a hold of the dead rider when they release it. I don't have any experience with the dead rider but the hooded is just awesome going against a shooty crew. Start with night and watch them curse you. For one they can't shoot you and second if you hit them they can't hit you back. I only switch to noon if I know I'm going down with the 2 wounds they get if they hit you and the makeshift critical strike with masks. Of course Levi can help with the cards.

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