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Beginner in need of advice concerning team building


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Poor Zwergenkrieger. Insted of getting help he is getting OT rant about collors.

No problem! It doesn´t matter...

*giggles* but getting back onto the point, Candy and Kade are wonderful to have. They have a nice balance between psychotic stabbing and Candy can give healing flips. smile.gif Always good to have on board.

What have you chosen, and i hope they are Neverborn!! biggrin.gif

So far, the decision is still open! The more I read, the harder it is to make a decision...

If jou like the Minions liek Candy, Teddy, Cade or so... then you could play zoraida...

She is a very good master that works well with this minins...

I tried to get some informations on her, but it´s tricky to get a deeper insight on this forums. Although there are some pretty decent threads here, I miss threads with a good overview on the available model without the need for knowing the rules. I can´t get a copy of the rulebook right now, here in germany it seems that the rulebook is not available at the moment, therefore the only thing on which I can base my decision is the look of the models.

With Zoraida I can imagine the following:


Vodoo Doll




It´s 23 SS if I did the math right. Anything special that can be added to this crew? Or should I simply run that crew for 25 SS games and look how it´s doing?

Or try Lilith, shes a nice starter Box to go for. She is well balanced and works well with just about anything. :)

But then I'm a little biased as I LOVE HER! :D

Good luck!

Yeah, Lilith is pretty cool looking and her theme seems to be strong. In addition, it seems to me that you can scale the Nephilim theme rather easy, meaning that I´d get a strong theme beyond 25 SS too.

But I´m not sure wether a pure melee based army is the right thing for me.

An other thing I came up with is the Dreamer with Teddies. Someone on these forums posted that he wants to run Dreamer with 2 Teddies and that thought heavily intriqued me! I then thought about





1 daydream

for 25 SS, but as far as I understand the Dreamer, he needs his nightmares to do his tricks. Well, Candy and Kade don´t seem to be nightmares, meaning the above list should´nt do that well.

This brought me to


2 Teddies

3 Daydreams

which comes to 24 SS and is rather well looking modelwise. This last list definetly is one I like to start the game with.

What do you count to be better, the 2 Teddy / Dreamer list or the Zoraida/Kade/Teddy/Candy list? I know the drawback of Teddy can´t be obeyed in this list, but the list mustn´t be developed to the max. I´ll be playing a game or two every 4 weeks at best, therefore the modeling aspect is more important for me than a maxed out power list.

One last question though:

Is there any way to play Pandora a bit more intresting for both you and your opponent? Not running a one trick – every second game seen – pony? It is ok if the power drops when I get a more appealing force. Or is Pandora just made out of boring cheese?

Sorry for the long post and I hope you´ll share your thoughts once more...


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The two Teddy Dreamerlist is OK...

The one with Candy an Kade ... hmm... both are no Nightmares... so the Dreamer has no synergies with them.

Your Zoraidalist is good...

The good thing on Zoraida is that she works well with nearby every Neverborn Minion!


@ your Pandi Question...

Hmm think not... because her Tricks are the Way you play her and that is exactly the thing your opponent would not like...

She always has to use her dirty tricks... because if she does not.. you can leave her out...

Edited by Koali
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@ your Pandi Question...

Hmm think not... because her Tricks are the Way you play her and that is exactly the thing your opponent would not like...

She always has to use her dirty tricks... because if she does not.. you can leave her out...

I suppose you could just decide to never activate the fall back trigger since it is optional. She would be a little underpowered though.

Really it is the fall back trigger that people hate. She is a little annoying anyway with all the movement and wp duels, but seriously, it is making everything on the table fall back that no one likes.

I have gotten a Pandora starting hand with 3 high crows, showed it to my opponent, and we just restarted the game. It was over the second I saw those three crows.

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