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Nightmare Bases (any Ideas?)


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i´m planing to buy a Dreamer Crew...

But i´m not shure about the bases...

So i´m lokking for some cool Ideas to make a nightmarish Baseinsert,...

I tryed some Foggy bases so far but i´m not so glad about it...

Any Ideas for me?

I am using the alien flesh style bases that mr. dandy has to offer its pretty cool expecially with the inocent dreamer fig standing on a bloody ripped up pile of skin Creeeeeepy

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I went with more kid and soft. So i got a piece of fabric and used it. The dreamer is holding his blanket which is the same material. I made pillows out of fabric and cotton balls for the day dreams. I used a more of a puffy base style for LCB and coppelius. The alps are ripping out of the fabric with the cotton coming out with them. Looks really good will post pics tomorrow.

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It seams I am very late to the party.

I based all my neverborn on foggy bases. I have very little painted to show you yet though.

The best way to make foggy bases I found was with insulation foam. You know, the kind that comes in spraycans and expands after you’ve sprayed it?

I put some foam on a separate piece, let it expand a bit and then apply it to the base with a knife or modeling tool. It takes a bit of getting used to (the foam still expands after you’ve applied it, so you have to find th right amont to put on there), but it looks great and above all, it’s tons of fun.

I found some kind of tutorial here, although the pictures aren’t working at the moment due to some server problems.

Edited by tmsmnns
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Generally I buy Wyrd's base inserts because I'm not a particularly good sculptor. What you could do that I tried for my Pandora crew is take a base insert and paint it bright pastel colors to get an other worldly feel, but if its the actual shape of the base then you'll likely end up either sculpting your own or buying from another maker.

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