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Finally understanding Levi!


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No, I have not won a game yet, but I'm starting to realize the full potential of Leveticus! The ins and outs of the art of killing him, being able to get that critical second Waif, when to use his 0 ability, etc. Also, 4+ Abominations in Treasure Hunt would have been spectacular, I probably could have gotten the treasure and halfway to the board edge first turn with help from Alyce.

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I have very rarely found the second Waif that critical. I can usually hide it well enough and with Levy and my crew between my opponent and the waif, they aren't going to get to it. So I wouldn't honestly worry to much about it unless your going against something stupidly fast (like Corphyee Duet or rampaging pigs or Dreamer). But for hte rest, you can just hide it and move up field rather easily.

As for the lists, what Tadaka said. You'll drop it if you move in any other way but taking a walk action. So SPA's may not be the best due to Hobbled, but with Alyce you can make them get Reactive. Look into Steampunk Arachnids for something really fast if you want. They can get there extremely quick and then hopefully get out of dodge fast enough.

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I have to jump in because this is one of the few times I will disagree with him karn. Second waif is major important. I would say it is less so but given that so many crews can now be played with out living or undead models its easy to pick off levi with a single waif. Perhaps it is just around here but lots of guild = lots of guild austringers to pick off the lone waif.

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Ah, well if your going against people who like the damned annoying Austringers (can you tell how much I dislike them? =D) then yes you want to bring something to turn into a new one. But if your not going against super high speed or LOS ignoring attacks, you can generally be fine with only 1 and make another as you play. But to each their own as usual =). I do fine with one, but I'm weird like that =D

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The trouble with only having one is that it makes it much easier for your opponent to set himself up a good chance of removing it on the turn Levi goes (perhaps even forcing activation orders and tactical decisions on you). It also dictates how adventurous you can be - if you only have one Waif and you need to keep it safe, that will affect where Levi can be placed, with two you can keep one safe and try something a little more dangerous with the other.

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i find myself bringing molly with levi more and more because she uses cc that he leavs after 2nd turn. also bodyguarding her and souless life almost is an insta 4 vp if played carefully (dispite the lure of levis destructive power recklessness). plus its only gonna get better when she has more stuff to animate. but for now adding 3" to levi can be deadly and giving waifs necrotic spray is cool aswell.

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