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balanced box sets

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I am looking for two box sets to "demo", I only have it in quotes because it is to teach my non gaming friends how to play and if I play a gimmicky list they refuse to play anything,

So I ma looking for two box sets that are comparable in play style and rulings. so they at least get interested in playing more and buy their own crews.

so now all i have to do is throw every game :)


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Marcus vs Zoraida.

1. There is no such thing as STRAIGHTFORWARD in malifaux. These two sets have enough gimmick without being all gimmick while requiring strategy to make things work. To a lesser extent, you could try lady J and Rasputina for similar reasons.

2. Avoid Pandora at all costs.

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Marcus vs Zoraida.

You sir, are mad. :)

Here are the general matchups I run for demoes(and suggest to others)

Lady Justice vs Seamus (Both have some tricks but are also pretty straightforward. Also both Masters allow a lot of room for mistakes

Perdita vs Lilith (The ultimate shooty army vs the ultimate fast melee army. Its probably one of the most even matches in the game and a lot of fun)

Sonja vs Rasputina (Sonja is a bit tougher then the other masters here to learn but Rasputina is a great master for new players, especially ones looking to take advantage of a lot of casting)

Masters I would avoid for first time demos. McMourning(Mainly because his box set isn't the best to start with), Pandora, Leveticus, Gremlins

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I don't know that putting the Guild boxes against the crews they were designed to defeat is all that much of a great idea. To be fair, Lilith vs. Perdida is as fair a fight as Ortega v Neverborn gets. However, you might want to pair the guild in a slightly less antagonistical way, at least to start.

And what's wrong with starting with Pandora v Leveticus for a first game?

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And what's wrong with starting with Pandora v Leveticus for a first game?

They are to complicated for new players. One relies on understanding a lot of complex principles of the game and the other literally plays by a complete different set of rules.

Its best to stick to simple crews for demo games. Let the players see how the basic games plays before you show them the craziest masters.

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For me the Lady J v Seamus is one of the best beginning match ups and whilst the Death Marshalls are good vs Ressers they arent OP vs Seamus plus it helps in really setting up a story between the crews and it can be quite easy to immerse others into the world of Malifaux as each crews motivations can be easily mapped

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They are to complicated for new players. One relies on understanding a lot of complex principles of the game and the other literally plays by a complete different set of rules.

I wonder which is which here, as I think both descriptions fit both masters :P

Also I'm not really confident about suggesting Sonnia vs. Rasputina, though I certainly agree on the other two pairings.

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Also I'm not really confident about suggesting Sonnia vs. Rasputina, though I certainly agree on the other two pairings.

I'd say Raspy and Sonnia is only a good choice to have for a experienced wargamer who really wants to see how the magic works. They are definitely not my go to demo crew but they are better then a lot of tricky match ups for beginners.

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I dunno. Rasputina is my first master and Malifaux is my first actual game. I've stomped the crap out of Kirai, Ramos, and So'mer Teeth so far. I think as long as you point out the relevant powers and primary tactics built into the crew the Cult of December is a good choice for demos.

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They are to complicated for new players. One relies on understanding a lot of complex principles of the game and the other literally plays by a complete different set of rules.

Its best to stick to simple crews for demo games. Let the players see how the basic games plays before you show them the craziest masters.

The one problem with the interwebs is that sarcasm is so very hard to convay.

More on topic: All the Neverborne sets aren't set up well as stand-alones. Lilith and The Dreamer's sets come to a pitifully low stone count, well below average. Zoraida really needs her totem to function as intended. And 'Dora is the best starting box ever. I might reccommend taking an Outcast box instead. Viktoria is very good for a starter. If you don't mind henching a bit, so is Ophilia and the soon-to-come-out Freikorps.

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