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I am a new malifaux player, or at least will be when my stuff arrives from Maelstrom!

I am based in Harlow, Essex, UK and as far as I know there are no other Malifaux players around here so I will be trying to drum up a bit of support and hopefully get a play group together.

Currently I am going to buy a couple of the box sets and run some demo games to try to get people hooked, But I am having trouble deciding which sets to get.

My current plan is Lady Justice and the Red Chapel gang, is this going to be a one sided match up or should they be fairly even?

If that is a bad idea, what sets do people recommend?

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Welcome to yet another UK player.

If you need any help running some demos please PM me. I run demos at some of the wargaming shows (Salute/Warfare/Colours/etc.) and have a number of crews, fate decks, etc. I'm not too far away so I'm sure we could sort something out if you can get a few people interested (have to be a weekend though obviously).

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Hi and welcome, great to hear the game caught your attention! LJ v. Seamus should be a great matchup for getting people into the game, in fact it's probably one of the most classic matchups in the game, and a good fight for both sides. Sounds like you should have a good chance of drumming up support in your area as well, we've been getting a ton of interest from all over the UK. And of course we're happy to have you on the forums as well, I hope you enjoy your time here also :)

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