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G'day from Western Australia


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I have just got into Malifaux after having a demo from our local Henchman and I had a blast. The system was easy to pick up and had decent amount of depth to it in the way which models to activate first and how to use your cheats.

So my first crew will be Kirai as I really liked the look of all the spirit models. My plan will be to build on her inital crew then move in to the other Ressers. Looking forward to playing more once I get my models put together :D

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  • 4 weeks later...

Welcome! Remind me to give your henchman a pat on the back for getting you hooked :D

Kirai is a good choice, we put a lot of work into her, making her something special, and she ended up being one of my favorites, both in terms of rules and fluff. I just like the idea of a master in Malifaux walking around with spirits swirling around them.

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