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evolving ramos


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hi guys, i am evolving my ramos crew to take into acount book 2, i play at 35 ss usualy, so far i want to have


toolkit 3ss

kaeris 8ss

spider swarm 9ss

this leavs me 15ss, and my plan so far is run ramos up turn 1-2, then use him as a factory, i can use kaeris to blow up spiders to put burning counters on peaple without them resisting or if they have a low df then just ignite, and then make them burn/paralize them without resist, or imolate on big guys, and use flame wall to block ramos's rear or flanks, or funel them.

the swarm is jus there to do the normal stuff.

im not sure what to add to the crew, i would like a combination of either

2 spiders 6ss (simple, easy, favorats. first spider i make gives me a new swarm.)

ss miner 6ss (hated this guy untill i realised how easy he can kill a suport master, un tunnel, move, 3attacks. you could also kill things like terror tots easy, i am still unsure on how reliable this guy is)

large spider 5ss (i have no idea how good theas guys are or what they are for, i would just use him to guard ramos, spear parts is ok and the saw blade is at least 3/4/6 armor ignoring)

jhoan 5ss (not sure on this guy, the idea is for guys not to melee ramos, so jhoan might not get much use, but he has synergy)

gunsmith 6ss (like him but not a construct, and dont know if i neeed more range output)

mechanical rider 8ss (i dont really like her play style, and i finde it counter to ramos' idea of factory and turret, but nice damage)

so what are you guys finding effectiv?

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I absolutely love the Tool Kit, it makes Ramos able to reliably cast. I don’t think I’ve used the Brachnid once since book two came out.

The main issue I’ve been having with my old Ramos build is the changes to the strategies and schemes. Insignificant models now have even less of an impact, making any volume of single spiders bought into the crew ineffective.

The SS miners ok and quite hard to use effectively. It plays a bit like the Sabretooth Cerberus, mobile and reasonable on the attack, it really struggles on the defence. As a result you've normally got to choose to leave it out of the fight all together and going for; breakthrough, sabotage, destroy evidence, or putting it into combat and accepting it'll be made insignificant.

Just started using the Large Steam Punk Arachnid and I'm a real fan. To quote HopelessHeretic these "are just ok until you realize that they are dirt cheap at 5 stones". The thing that makes them shine for me is they’re significant and fairly survivable (Df5, Wd7, Armour 1). They’re also able to charge 8” and then attack again with melee expert. It’s not amazing, but for 5 stones it’s a good budget choice.

It's also worth looking at using Coryphee. I've only used it in one game so far but it did very well. It’s a construct and able threaten a phenomenal amount of space.

Has anyone tried the gunsmith yet? Not sure if he's better/worse than the Convict Gunslinger.

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i havnt but a member of my gaming group has, he says he is better against living crews. on par with the convict against undead, construct and neph crews. but he would always go convict against kira or othere spirt heavy crews. also he runs him mainly in a zoraider crew, cus he says hes really good in crews that can do freindly wp duels (obay from zoraider and marcus's spell that makes you a beast) as you get the up side of the spell and can use smouldering heart to take a wound so your attacks get ++ on the attack flip, im not so keen on him with ramos though. i cant deal a wound to him easly to make him better and he isnt a construct so i can heal him or buff him or get scrap of him, thats why im going kaeris, as she is alot more powerful and manoverable than the gunsmith for only 2 more ss and she can use ss that ramos wont need now he has a toolkit

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Things I'll be fileding once they come out are the large spider, the coryphee once I pick them up (likely one) and the Guardian (don't forget Ramos can field him)

The Guardian is the ideal bodyguard for a low defense master like Ramos. The large spider is solid and produces 2 scarp counters, meaning you get 2 single arachnids from it for 5 SS and the spell.

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hum i didnt think of the scrap counters side of things, im not sure about the guardian, i find him a bit iffy as he is, and for 8ss it might be to much for me. are you thinking of using the large spiders deffensifly near ramos, on the offence alone/pairs or on the offence in a big group of stuff. do you think you will ever use cut away

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The thing I've found about the Large SPA is it's fairly flexible. It's as comfortable in an offensive role as in a defensive one, and it's great at grabbing objectives. I'm going into a couple of fixed/semi-fixed list tourneys over the next couple of months and it's that flexibility I'm loving. You'll probably never use cut away, and spare parts is really situational, but then you can just stick to hitting stuff with the saw blade.

I've not tried the Guardian, but the 8ss is a turn off. Ramos is an Armour 2 Soul Stone user with 10wd who can heal himself. IMHO the main priority of any body guard he has should be killing whatever has him in melee, and for that I think there are better options than the Guardian. I could be wrong.

I'm always trying to avoid the 'Ramos cluster of immobility'. There are a lot of models available to this crew that have a requirement to stand next to Ramos; Toolkit, Johan, Rusty, and the now Guardian. Taking more than two of these ties a lot of points up in a slow cluster.

Edited by mythicFOX
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yeah, in the list i want to take, im only really going to have 2 modles near ramos i hope. kaeris to take advantage of the spiders he makes and the toolkit, if he is in any reall trouble i can make spiders and electrical creations to deal with things.

my one dislike for kaeris is you cant rely on her, most of her things the enemy gets to pick, witch takes the control out of your hands, unlike poison you cant rely on a burining counter to kill some one with one wound.

the rules say you can only be under the effect of slow once (it dosnt go to slow 2), does this mean if the enamy has slow they cant pick slow on the burning counter becus they are already suffering the effect or can they pick it and just not lose out

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