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Waldgeist---my version of it


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I was expecting to see Dryads when I clicked the thread. While I too prefer the Wyrd Waldgeist, I would add that I do like both your paintjob and the demon/treeroot things you have at the back of him. It does make it seem he is emerging from something.

This miniature is actually meant to be a beastman in constant flux/mutation... hence the strange cape coming down its back.


He has some fluff that suits.

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paint job: very good

base: very good (sets the mini into a nice stalking ambient - like dashing at its victim from it's hideout)

but although i've been playing warhammer for about 14 years... the beastman range sucks big time (my opinion). The Dryad-Champion from the wood elves would fit the nightmarish features of the neverborn much better I think!

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