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Stock Strategy List


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Hello, Everybody!

I have recently found out that I'll be running a small introductory tournament for new(ish) players in a few weeks time.

While I am not at liberty to advertise this tournament, I would like some suggestions on methodology, as it will be my first one.

Our format so far is as follows:

1. Players will be using Box Set Crews

2. Players will participate in three 1v1 rounds

3. Each round will have a set Shared Strategy for each game. (ex. Round 1: Strategy A; Round 2: Strategy B; etc)

4. Players will be allowed to pick two Schemes. (this list will likely be limited to basic schemes, and will not include Faction or Master specific schemes)

5. Each round will take place in a set location, however location Features will still be random (though possibly a reduced/simplified list).


So far, I have decided that the shared strategies I will be giving players should have a rough semblance of a story line.

My question to the readers is this:

What three strategies would you suggest that would bout [A] make the most sense to inexperienced players, and flow together in some semblance of story line?

To provide an example, one option I was thinking of was:

Round 1: Shared Turf War

Round 2: Shared Slaughter

Round 3: Shared Escape and Survive

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My first setup was supposed to reflect:

Your mission is to spread your borders; After encroaching into your enemy's territory, your crews clash!; Finally, after the battle, you have to retreat without any more losses.

I picture another option using your suggestions as:

1] Shared Turf War

2] Shared Claim Jump

3] Shared Treasure Hunt

Your overall mission is to get the treasure! Before you can go home with your prize, however, you must find it. Start by searching your opponents territory for likely hiding spots, then once you've zeroed in on where the treasure is hidden, you must hold down the fort while you dig it up. Finally, once the treasure is ripe for the taking, you must be the crew that goes home with it!

How do these ideas sound? I'm really trying to lay on the story-based elements pretty thick, as that's one of my favorite parts of the game, and I want to get new players into it.

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I don't get why players should be restricted to starter boxes only, as those are not all efficient gamewise (not even talking about tournament environment) or even on soulstone costs (Seamus' is 18ss while Perdita's is 25, p.e.).

And what about summoned models?

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The point of restricting them to starter box lists is to put everyone on an "even" playing field. Many of these players will not have models at all.

Players will be able to "rent" models from myself and other experienced players who will be running the games to take care of the issue of summoned models so you Res players don't have to get worried about that.

We're also restricting players to the boxes because that is yet another easy way to cut down on time consuming variables. As it stands we only have a total of six hours to run three complete rounds.

For all other parts of the projected tournament, just assume I know what I'm doing ;) :-P

What I really need advice on is the condensed strategy list.

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Shared escape and survive is the worst thing ever, ESPECIALLY if you're running on VP. It's trivial for two players who are slightly experienced with wargames to get 6-8 VP off them. While I imagine with the reduced round size, casual nature, and emphasis on demo rather than selecting a winner, VP is what you'll be using, a strategy that so blatantly encourages 'silent understandings' is really not a good fit.

We drew that one as a strategy once, just looked at eachother, and threw it back. Seriously?

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Reconnoiter is a great newbie strategy as it's simple to understand and promotes heavy combat and tactical movement.

I would seriously recommend not limiting everyone to just start sets. Several are not up to par with the rest or people don't want to play them that way. Just limit it to 25ss and let people go from there. A limit like that will stunt peoples growth into the game and could even turn people away who may want to play outside of their box set. Open up the choices to people, they will be much more receptive of the game and the tourney.

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i sugest slaughter as the last one, its a realy cool idea to have all your guys line up after all there hard work (previous matches), and fight to the death, western style. and it lets them forget all the complicated stuff of the other strats and stop there head hurting and jus duke it out. its always slaughter that you hear the amazing storys of the master on master fights and stuff, and i think it rounds things of nicely and will give your guys stuff to talk about for a few sessions after

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Izaki, what would you use as the first two strategies leading up to the third round of slaughter? Remember, I'm going for some semblance of a story line, here.

Hmm, basic plot:

New area of Malifaux on the borders of the city has opened up. Cool artifacts, criminals are using it for a hiding base, everyone is interested.

1) Shared Reconnoiter: Explore the new area and deny others the same knowledge.

2) Shared Treasure Hunt: Your explorations have turned up the location of a powerful artifact. Unfortunately, you are not the only one...

3) Shared Slaughter: Meddling has finally driven it to this. A massacre is untidy, but others can't keep their nose out of your business.

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Destroy the evidence is my favorite strategy.

Just sayin'.

Also, I think it would be a good idea to get new players used to the idea of having two separate strategies right off the bat.

But I can also see the advantage of restricting strategies for newer players to very basic ones.

So I would choose three strategies and have each player randomly determine his from those three each round. But if he's already played it he reflips (rerolls? whatever)

So, say, the three strategies are:

Destroy the Evidence

Claim Jump


(that's what I would pick)

Player A flips destroy the evidence round 1. You, the tournament organizer, write this down. Round 2 he randomly determines between the remaining two (slaughter and claim jump) and gets slaughter. Round 3 he must play claim jump.

Guarantees each player plays each strategy, and it's a relatively basic one, but also adds the potential of having each player have a separate goal, which I feel is a rather integral part of the game.

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One of the reasons I wanted to go with shared strategies was because I would add another level of simplicity to running a large tournament with heavy time constraints.

I'm not sure if I mentioned it earlier or not, but I do have only 6 hours to run three full rounds.

I also think it's neat if players are competing to see who can perform the best at one overarching storyline.

There will be enough fluctuation from the main strategies given that each of the players may select up to two schemes each time, I think.

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One of the reasons I wanted to go with shared strategies was because I would add another level of simplicity to running a large tournament with heavy time constraints.

I'm not sure if I mentioned it earlier or not, but I do have only 6 hours to run three full rounds.

I also think it's neat if players are competing to see who can perform the best at one overarching storyline.

There will be enough fluctuation from the main strategies given that each of the players may select up to two schemes each time, I think.

Six hours is PLENTY of time for three rounds. Trust me.

Schemes are the thing I usually drop for new players. Add those in the second or third game into demoing.

But that's me, I guess.

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1) Shared Reconnoiter: Explore the new area and deny others the same knowledge.

2) Shared Treasure Hunt: Your explorations have turned up the location of a powerful artifact. Unfortunately, you are not the only one...

3) Shared Slaughter: Meddling has finally driven it to this. A massacre is untidy, but others can't keep their nose out of your business.

I'll probably end up going with this at the tournament.

I like Lalo's idea of adding an additional scheme opportunity per round. So round 1 would be just reconnoiter. Round 2 would be treasure hunt plus one scheme per crew. Round 3 is slaughter plus two schemes.

I'm thinking of creating a list of Non-Faction, Non-Master specific schemes to allow players to pick from. I'm thinking of picking about 5 of the more basic ones, or something like that.

Does anyone have suggestions? Let's start the list with:

1. Bodyguard (So simple it's a must)





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