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Dark Eldar are here.

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The current charge rules for WFB exemplifies this "randomness", it makes no sense.

I don't mind so much that they added a bit of randomness to the deal, but it's sort of backwards in that it will benefit slower models (dwarfuses) more than faster models (cavalry).

Dwarfus: 3" +2d6"=5" -15"

Cavalry 7" +2d6"= 9" -19"

In essence, the dwarfuses have 7 chances to out-charge cavalry. CAVALRY.


It gets worse against faster infantry (Empire troops, Chaos troops, Elves.) Sure, "on average" these faster models will charge furthur, but how often do two dice roll "on average" throughout the game?

Had they done it in a way that randomized it without ranDUMBizing it, I would be all for it.

Edited by ddot
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Sorry GW but 10 years to late for me. I used to love my DE army but the lack of support over the years and slowly decreasing target age of the 40K rules have relegated it to the dark corners of my loft.

Anyway the realist in me knows that all my old figures will be redundant under the new codex forcing me to buy the entire army anew.

I for one would rather have good memories and money in my pocket than feed the beast.

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Sorry GW but 10 years to late for me. I used to love my DE army but the lack of support over the years and slowly decreasing target age of the 40K rules have relegated it to the dark corners of my loft.

Anyway the realist in me knows that all my old figures will be redundant under the new codex forcing me to buy the entire army anew.

I for one would rather have good memories and money in my pocket than feed the beast.

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Honestly I can't say I've enjoyed 40k since 3rd edition. I posted another big rant about how I can't stand what they've done to Chaos. I remember the days when Khorne and Slaanesh would kill each other if you fielded them together. Now you see Chaos lists of Khorne Beserkers being lead by Slaanesh Daemon Princes. Yes I remember the Squats (how dwarf bikers on war trikes with melta guns never took off is beyond me).

That being said I'll still go for the Dark Eldar (at least a small 1500pnt list) and play them a few times. Damn GW if each revamp of a range is stunning. The new Blood Angels are amazing (if incredibly over priced) along with most of the new plastic kits. I remember the Imperial Space Marines & Mk1 Land Raider boxed sets. So I'm sure the new sculpts of the Dark Eldar are going to have that 'I must have these' factor:)

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