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The Guild Project

Lord Shaper

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This passed week and a half I haven't had much time to be able to do any painting and also while I'm waiting for some more figures to arrive I thought I'd post 2 that I have been working on.



Also I have been working on a Hanging Tree which I have done as much as I can without the right foliage for it which I am looking for something to fit with it.





It's on a slightly Larger base as again I hit up Bunnings Craft Section for some round do it yourself coasters so it's on a 60mm round base.

Also for size comparison here's the Tree with Taelor.


Larger Versions are up on my Flickr Malifaux set if your after a larger version.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Love it all!


Very nice work all round.

Thanks for that!

I still need some time to get some photos of the last 2 Death Marshals and from there I should get the Sonnia and Ortega's boxes as well as my Austringer in the next day or so and then I get get some more done!

First on the table will be the Austringer and Francisco and I'll see what I can do from there.

In the meantime it's back to Kroot heh

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that is an Amazing paint job, and now I'm torn lol, I'm trying to think of a single color scheme to run through my entire guild army. It's either going to be Red/Yellow [[KGB Russian theme]] or White/Black [[the color of death]] and seeing the Judge in that red coat made me think hard as to what kind of color scheme I want to paint for my guys ya know? but then again, those white death marshals are bad ass too lol

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OK big update as I've had some time to do some more.

2 more Death Marshals taking me up to 6



My first Austringer. I think I need to get another.



Next we have 2 totems with the Governers Proxy just drying so it hasn't had photos taken yet.





And the First of the Family with Francisco Ortega



Now I'm working on the rest of the Ortegas and from then will go onto Sonnia's crew.

I really need some official figures for watchers as they work so well for card control.

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Francisco looks lovely and your austringer is very characterful. Love the work on the Nephilim. Very nice work all round.

+1 motivation for me.



I sat down and had the Austringer and Francisco done in the one night since I needed them for a game on the weekend. Also I've found that the Austringer is a must of your facing Marcus in a Bog with 3 Silurids.

I currently have Nino half done and the completed Governors Proxy waiting to have his clear coat done.

Lets see if I can get the Ortega's finished by the end of the week.

By the way how many people have realised that Francisco looks a lot like Sam Elliot?

Edited by Lord Shaper
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  • 2 weeks later...


Just so people don't think I haven't been doing anything I have finished up the Ortega's, Witchling Stalkers and Sonnia.

I'm currently out of matt varnish so they are shining way to much so as soon as I get that sorted I'll get some more photos.

I just have Samael left to go to finish all I have from the Guild and with my moving house in 10 days I may have to hold off to get the house fully packed.

I will be back though!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Ok I have a quick update and this time I don't have any figures as they haven't been unpacked after the move.

I managed to grab 10 minutes to myself and started on a graveyard for the table next time we go to play.

I took it larger than the generic 3x3 since I liked the idea of a large graveyard I can do things with.

Check it out here: http://www.talesfromthewarzone.com/?p=685

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