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building openings question


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For those of you who have, or are planning, on constructing buildings what size do you make your doorways, corridors and stairs?

I've built one western style building and made the doors 30mm. The 30mm looks good but to my mind anything bigger would look odd.

Double doors on a big hotel/bar/public building would be fine as they could have two 25mm doors.

So if you go with 30mm what about characters on 40mm and 50mm bases - do you say they can't enter the building, go up the stairs etc.?

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In general, rules state that the opening must be larger than the base for the model to get in. Which means that, no, Bad Juju couldn't chase Nicodem into the saloon.

When making your own buildings, that's just something that you have to keep in mind. No reason the building can't have slightly larger doors to accommodate larger-based models. Or keep the doors looking right, but make a "back entrance" that was blasted away with dynamite.

Balance should be a factor - games where your opponent can't get his big beefy melee models in at your shooty models b/c of door size aren't going to be very fun.

~ SemanticDM

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Why doesn't Bad Juju just interact with the side wall of the saloon and make his own entrance?


He can, you just have to define it properly.

Make some walls "breakable" and give them reasonably high value, so that only strong models can pull them down. You can even divide bigger walls into sections, so you break them one section at a time (easy to do if there are visible support beams etc.). You don't have to make them removable, just treat them as if they weren't there after they get destroyed.

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I have several boards with doors and entrances theres no real way to make a doorway take a 50mm base easily so the rule we use is 50mm models can go through the door, but count the transition as difficult terrain for a minimum of an inch, so movement 5 would be a 4 inch horizontal move if it includes going through the door, and that they cant stop in the centre doorway.

In alot of cases though they just lurk on the edge and most of them have 2inch reach to swipe stuff inside anyway.

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It depends. Are the stairs >40mm wide?

I'd say if the base fits, it's normal terrain. If the base doesn't fit but you still want the model to get through, count it as difficult.

You could also say that, for a 40mm base model, it's slightly difficult terrain - if the 50mm base takes 1" of movement to get through a door, the 40mm base would take 1/2" of movement (assuming the door is of negligible depth), since the smaller creature wouldn't have as much bulk to oil up to be able to squeeze through the door.

~ SemanticDM

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