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WIP Board3 (Sewers)


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Book 2 has prompted me to start work on my next 2 boards, if you havent seen the original board i made (ruined pump station) its here

This is the first of 9 modules that will make up a 3x3 board

For Board 3 i wanted to go with the sewers, in order to make the sewers more interesting i've created two levels of sewer flow.

The higher level (the one you can see the stonework through) will count as water but no movement penalties.

The deeper level (the one you cant see any stonework on) will count as difficult terrain for ht 1 and 2 models, normal for ht3. (the bonus to ht3 is because other parts of the board will be difficult for them to navigate through)

The Teddy models are mine, the others are borrowed to show scale.






More too follow (you can also see my board 2 WIP)

Edited by Kaine
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They quote 50 castings minimum which is very conservative, i've not noticed any degradation and some of mine are over 50 castings.

As long as you stick to using plaster and dont use resin the moulds last well, resin will damage the moulds and really reduce the life.

I use Hercullite II plaster, its strong enough that you can lift most of the board pieces up by the walls.

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I use Hercullite II plaster, its strong enough that you can lift most of the board pieces up by the walls.

Not to venture too far afield, but I've usually used either die stone or Merlin's Magic as opposed to plaster. I had a few molds but lost them at some point in the last two moves. :(

I'm thinking about just picking up a #40 basic and a Prison Tower mold which should give me enough variety of blocks to build quite a bit to start with.

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Very awesome looking. I have some Merlin's Magic (50 lbs) and a few Hirst molds on order. I'm suppoer excited to start producing some different play areas. That's for giving me some great ideas.

Yeah, those Hirst molds are not cheap, and you really need a bunch of different ones for different projects.

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