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Noob from Philadelphia


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Hey guys, I'm Victor from the philly area. I'm a 22 year old D&D vet, but never really had any inclination to get into any miniatures games (Possibly because my only knowledge of them was Warhammer, and I never felt like dropping hundreds of dollars at a single time to try it out).

But then as I was surfing the net the other day, I came across a reference to Malifaux, and I thought to myself "Thats an interesting name" and proceeded to look it up. I saw some of the miniatures, and immediately I was hooked. Then I read some of the battle reports, and figured the game looked really fun as well. My only problem is I can't decide which crew to start with, honestly they all look all so cool.

So I've just ordered the rulebook, figured I'd get a couple of friends to play some games with proxy stuff, and go from there. Even though it should be here in a few days I can barely wait.

So, in summary, I'm Victor and I think Wyrd's game, minis, and community look totally awesome.

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