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Painted or Unpainted for Resale?


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So, I finally came to a decision I've been putting off.. as much as I loved the modeling aspect of my Ramos crew and the fancy box I made for them to live in, I just don't like the way they play. The obvious solution is to let them travel on to another, more loving home. I wonder, though, if they would have more value to someone unpainted or painted? For me, I never buy painted minis unless it's to strip, but I know some people are into just the gaming and want a nicely painted army. Is the crowd about split on this, or is one way clearly better than another in terms of sales value?

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Myself I enjoy the painting part of the hobby as much as I do the playing part.

But if I were going to buy 'used' mini's I'd be just as likely to buy a nicely painted set as I was a unpainted set. I'd also expect the cost to be based on the quality of the painting.

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I love painting, but time's an issue. So I focus on getting two crews painted up myself, with as many options as possible, and then I just buy well painted crews whenever I can get my hands on them. That way I get to play with pretty crews and still have more variation.

Somewhat expensive though.

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