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How many models do you need for an army?


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Welcome to the game.

Good news is that Malifaux doesn't require a huge amount of models. For Lady J I would add her Totem (Scales of Justice), and perhaps an Executioner (Guild) or Convict Gunslinger (Mercenary +1 to SS cost). That will fill you out to approx 30 SS (35 SS if you take both) with a few to add to your Cache.

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30 -35 is a normaly tunament list around my area. That being said it depends on what you end up playing what you need.

I personaly like owning alot of the guild models and mercs so i can swap them out. If you new to the game you will soon figure out that since you build you list after you find out you Victory point objectives and how the table is set up that your list needs options.

For me I like to have a good range of things to chose from. But money being what it is I still have yet to pick up the lady J box.

Now for the Guild members to own.

Own one of everything is helpful for making your list but sometimes thats not possable.

If you plan on just running lady J these are the models i would think about,

Govenors Proxy


3 Witchling stalkers

The Exacutoner

Guild Austingers

And maybe sam hopkins or the Peacekeeper

Now here why

Govenors Proxy (Great add to the J box and easly casts J's spells since he has the same CA stat)

Nino (Great for long range and helpful in J's list for that)

3 Witchling stalkers (Good melee fighters with gerat skills and really good for there scout and hunter traits.)

The Exacutoner (Great Melee and helps VS undead and levy lists)

Guild Austingers (Great for VP grabers and have a long range weapon that does not need LoS so they can camp out and still do some damage in the game)

As for models IT really depends, you can get away with just the lady J boxset at 19 SS adding Nino and Gov prox would make it 28 for the normal 30SS sized game if you want the bare min amout of models to get you started, I would then look at the Executioner.

For 35 I would run the following

Lady J

Gov proxy

2 Death marsh

The judge

The Executioner


Those are if you want to only buy what you need to get a playable list.

But if you have the money and want what you need to play guild well I would buy all the guild members and get 3 of the non rare/unque ones.

And then I would buy


Covict gunslinger



To round out your choices.

Hope this helps,


Edited by TimeLapse
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Welcome to the game.

Good news is that Malifaux doesn't require a huge amount of models. For Lady J I would add her Totem (Scales of Justice), and perhaps an Executioner (Guild) or Convict Gunslinger (Mercenary +1 to SS cost). That will fill you out to approx 30 SS (35 SS if you take both) with a few to add to your Cache.

If you buy a totem get the Gov's proxy way beter then the scales.

The Gov's proxy has a the same CA as Lady J of 5 rams so he can cast better then the scale at 3 rams plus he has a better spell and Talents.

You get all that plus the fact they cost the same in points.

-Andrew Haught

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Lady J's box set itself will do you just fine to start with as you should still manage to get satisfying games and learn the mechanics.

In my area - and I think everywhere else - it tends to scale up in 5's.

25 tends to be the starting level and then going up to 30 and then 35 etc.

Others have suggested good models to add to the set but just thought I would pipe up and answer your question in a slightly different way. In that you have enough models for a Malifaux army already.

Welcome to the game, hope you enjoy it.

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Agree with the above.The starter box will do you fine to begin. That's pretty much what we all started with and some still play with. The Lady J box is one of the better balanced ones and all you really need to boost it up is one or two models. Then later on maybe another one or two.

One thing to remember is that one new model can boost your whole crew from average to strong. As omenbringer said: Adding the Executioners and a totem will bring the Lady J box to 30/35SS and it will be a tough and effective crew.

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