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Pandora 30ss possibility


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So I've been thinking. Maybe you guys could give me your opinion on this list:


Baby Kade - 6ss

Candy - 8ss

Sorrow x 5 - 15ss

I know it's crazy but just think about this for a second. It is possible to switch a Sorrow out for the Poltergeist (or Primordial Magic), and I know that Kade without Teddy is a bit risky, but this seems like something I want to try. You could link 3 Sorrows to Pandora as normal but then link 1 to Candy and Kade. They all have Martyr and this kind of "protects" Kade and Candy for a few hits. Plus, this allows the Sorrows to use Kade's Lure and Candy's Self-Loathing (though I don't think they can use Charm). The Wp duels will fly all over the place and as long as those Sorrows are close enough, you could do some painful damage.

Thoughts? Comments? Suggestions?

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That's only 3 significant models. You'll have very hard time winning games without significant models.

Your crew as it is can't ever score full on Reconnoiter, for example, and if you lose Candy or Cade, you can't score at all. Slaughter and Treasure hunt can be a problem too.

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Well, it's not that bad, a Wp Duel based crew is great for Pandora. That list is still very powerful for Assassinate or Slaughter. For Reconnoiter you can swap a few Sorrows for Terror Tots which are the same cost but not Insignificant. A hoard of Sorrows is not as powerful as it used to be since the errata limited the practical amount Pandy can use at once to 3.


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Thankfully the fix to link was introduced so it kept the best number of Sorrows for Pandora at 3. But using it the way you described does work.

I've experimented with this before and had some very good results. It gives you a lot of killing power, but your really relying on just 3 models to do most of the work. The sorrows are just along for the ride and the chance to get a Melancholy or a Doldrums off in the right place. But even still, it does work. Just don't link all 5 to Pandora, but you know that. ;D

Don't worry about bringing Teddy and Kade together. I rarely ever bring both in the same list and thats fine. Both work amazingly well without the other one and even when you have both, Where's Teddy isn't all that useful in most situations. Pandora really only needs 1 beat stick. 2 is over kill unless you are at high points.

As for your number of insig models, yeah its a little high. But it can work. Really only Reconoiter is going to give you trouble and in that case, focus on killing the enemy. Take Schemes based on killing the enemy and just wipe them out. Try to keep Candy, Kade, and Pandora alive so that you can at least get the secondary objective and then net yourself 2 - 4 points from Schemes and you stand a decent chance of winning most games.

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