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Intro :)


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Hey everyone!

My name's Miljan, better known as Thor (and variations on the name :itsme:) on and off the 'net. :)

I'm 23 and from Serbia where we have a small but growing Malifaux community. Hopefully it'll grow bigger and better with the game... I'm a freelance graphic designer, but am doing all kinds of odd jobs ATM...

Hobby-wise I started off with WHFB, meddled a little in 40k, played Confrontation and a couple of other games. But, my interests are more in painting/modeling part of hobby experience, so I guess that's what will be my biggest contributions to the community ;) . I don't mind a game now and then, but it's still the pots & brushes that takes my fancy at the end of the day.

Currently, I'm in the process of finishing my McMourning box and my brother's Lady J box. As soon as I have them ready and photographed, I'll post them in the Mini Showcase section, that's a promise. ;)

So, that's about it... can't think of anything else to add... whatever interests you feel free to ask...

Cheers! :vb_cheers

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