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My Malifauxs (ramos, big Z, lillith, Levi)


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I finished up my Ramos crew last night... Johan seems to be hiding up the back behind the Steamborg though. Picked up Johan and Joss the other day so I can throw down the MS&U posse for laughs.

Pretty happy with Ramos' source lighting, it's my third real attempt at source lighting and the first time i've been happy with it.

The little spiders are all on little metal discs and the bases have magnets so the swarms can be split up.



Zoraida's hooked up with Hamelin for the zany multi-obey shennanigans (though to be honest i'm finding piper's lure to be full of win).



See Lillith in her christmas elf garb ! Isn't she a pretty thing ? Lilly has her Cherub friend and some young nephilim on the rise.

The bases are made with texture paste and inked a number of times with a drybrush of black on top for that firey look.

I decided these guys were metal so they needed spikey base names.



The old man brings his girlfriend Alyce and a giant undead beatstick to battle. Scratch-built Steampunk Abominations (WHFB zombies with steampunk mods). The waif is an old Ral Partha banshee.

These bases have all sorts of springs, wire, and cogs from toys. I've used the same bases on the Ramos crew as I reckon i'll run these two together for multi-master games.


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Forgot to take my camera yesterday... here's some close-ups.


I added thigh pods, bulked out the legs a bit with green stuff, and gave him a backpack and extra cables. He looked so much like Rutger Hauer when I was painting him I went with it... then there's the lipstick... I don't think much of Rutger Hauer :D


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