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Some Malifaux Minis'


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Working on painting some stuff up, tell me what you think.



I am not 100% happy with the white, but I was trying some new stuff and not all of it worked out quite the way I wanted. Over all I am pretty pleased with the result but I was trying a bunch of different stuff. Hopefully I will post up some more stuff soon!

PS: They are a little shiner then I would like looking at it now, I might dose them with some more Dullcote

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Stylized paint jobs aren't for everyone, but I really like them. Right now the style looks either animated or as if the characters were made of clay. Both your white and the shine lend to that look. (shine of course looks different in person, so I could be wrong with that part) If you were to change the white I would you would defiantly need to dull them down other wise and off white would look kinda well...off.

If style was what you were going for kudos, if not, it at least sounds like you learned something from it.

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The slightly Cartoony look is pretty common in the stuff that I do, I am pretty good at getting a smooth coat, but up intill recently I didn't know how to actually blend the layers together, so the layers tended to be super sharp.

If I get some time tonight, I will post up some other stuff(Arcanist) That I worked on.

Thanks for the Feedback ^^

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