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Putting in a Large Arcanists Order.


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Well, I'll admit, I've been proxying until now, (*gasp*) but maelstrom games has an easter sale going on, so I'm putting in a $130 order. (Everything I have in my paypal at the moment.) First I have a question, do any of the Arcanist models need green stuff for gap filling? I don't have any right now, so should I order some?

Besides that, here's my shopping list:

Cult of December box

Order of the Chimera box


December Acolyte

Essence of Power

Silurd Slaves

and some GF9 super glue and a pot of P3 arcane blue for them icy guys.

How does it look? What would you buy differently? Why?

Edited by Ivellis
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Cult of December box

Order of the Chimera box


December Acolyte

Essence of Power

Silurd Slaves

and some GF9 super glue and a pot of P3 arcane blue for them icy guys.

How does it look? What would you buy differently? Why?

So ya your list is fine.

I have the same boxes.

ABSOLUTELY get at least 3 hoarcats, they work great with both lists and are very self sufficient.


Everyone will telly you to get the Gunslinger as he is a terrific all around model but I find myself playing with him less and less. The Ronin is FANTASTIC, he is really nasty to quick strike in a Joss/Marcus list, and his rules are amazing and throw in the fact he can kill himself to give you SS when you really need it he is a must (I have my own model). I prefer the Wendigo if you plan on Tourneys but Essence is fanstastic too. Johan and Masaki should be considered.

I have lots of posts on Marcus and Raspy, search

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Thanks for the advice, the only reason I'm not getting Hoarcats is maelstrom is sold out of them, and I don't want to wait on my whole order because of them. (I have had really good experiences with them, so I'll continue proxying them.) I'll grab some as soon as they're in stock. I'll probably also get the wendigo along with the essence.

As for outcasts, my main opponent is taking them as his main faction so I'm trying to abstain from using them too much.

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As for outcasts, my main opponent is taking them as his main faction so I'm trying to abstain from using them too much.

Good stuff - It's always pleasant to see a full in-faction crew.

Nice order you're putting in (and reminds me to put in my own for upping my Leveticus options :call2:), do check with Maelstrom whether they'll split your order for you - they have done for me before at no extra shipping charge.

EDIT: Oh and to agree with Nathan on the GS front - it's always handy to have; even if it's only use is to fill in the gaps at the edges of the slot in the base.

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