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The streets of Malifaux (terrain question)


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About to start work on my Malifaux city board, i need suggestions for things that might litter the streets that would provide cover.

So far i have ideas like





piles of crates

Needs to be stuff thats relatively easy to model

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Wheelbarrows, tumbleweeds, water traufs for horses, a well, bushes....

that would work for the Ghost Town, Pioneer Town.

For the actual city of Malifaux it a lot more dense, think more along the line of Old Atlanta or San Francisco.

You'd have things like street lamps, and a lot less for the horse troughs as once you've entered city limits you'd be more likely to have to stable the horse than park it out front of the building.

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For Malifaux proper I'd go with more Victorian and less Western.

I'd look for some larger obstacles too - carriages are a common means of transport, and having one on the street would be big enough to add a lot of flavor. Not sure who else might make a suitable one, but the GW Black Coach could work pretty well with some minor converting (real horses, leave the reaper/driver off).

Try an image google for 'Victorian street scene', lots of good pictures there to give ideas.

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For Malifaux proper I'd go with more Victorian and less Western.

I'd look for some larger obstacles too - carriages are a common means of transport, and having one on the street would be big enough to add a lot of flavor. Not sure who else might make a suitable one, but the GW Black Coach could work pretty well with some minor converting (real horses, leave the reaper/driver off).

Try an image google for 'Victorian street scene', lots of good pictures there to give ideas.

I had looked at a coach as well, and Fenris games makes a nice 120mm round malifaux style base.

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Don't forget hedges in the more well-to-do areas. You can just fold over a strip of green scouring pad and then either flock it of drybrush it with a lighter shade of green. I suggest flock, as the drybrushing only seems to turn out acceptable at 15mm scale.

This guy shows the drybrushed results, so just double the thickness, adjust the height, and coat with glue and flock instead of paint. There you have it, and for only pennies a hedge!

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The easiest thing I have found for building up tables and terrain is just to copy what I see from pictures of the time. To meet the growing city feel I have focused on both Denver, and St. Louis. (just google image search either city name and 1890's)

St. Louis is great for a feel for the industrial revolution and you will be able to find steamboats. Between this and Pittsburgh I am getting a really good feel on how to set up things for the steamfitters union without just making everything gears and smoke stacks.

London and Paris are both great cities to model for Malifaux proper. However, I have had better luck going farther east to really get more of a dark old country feeling. So for that you might go with Prague, or Poland, or any other city or country in eastern Europe that doesn't start with the letter P. I have found some really good pictures of people standing next to headstones and mausoleums which are great for giving a feel for scale, if you ever want to do a map for resurrectionists, which is set in a graveyard.

Lastly, if you ever decide to build a table with a fog machine underneath. (just so you can have weather and mood effects.) I recommend against it. It really doesn't turn out as good as you might think, and is really hard to play through.

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I have been experimenting with papercraft terrain from Dave's Games.

Firstly, the quality of papercraft is an issue with me - I cannot stand its flimsy, sagging, fly-away quality. I have got around this by gluing the card exterior to a foamcore shell, making the whole thing rigid and fairly hefty.

Secondly, the style of the buildings - the wood and plaster finishes - just does not fit with the Malifaux theme (imho). However, the Dave's Games PDFs use layers to let you change the finish, and a lot of the brickwork and stone finishes actually look ideal. In addition, there are a few with wooden finishes that look fine for a mining town.

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