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Gilbear's Painting (Ortegas)

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I finished my first Malifaux crew yesterday, and for someone like me who struggles to finish projects, that's quite an achievement! :D

So as it was a nice sunny day here in Brum, I snapped a few pix so that I could share them with the fine folks here on the Malifaux boards.

Any and all constructive criticism welcome, as I'm always open to good advice and new ideas.

Enough blather now, and onto the shineys (click image for full-sized pic):


I also have a full Rasputina crew that I'm just starting on, plus a few mercs, and am planning eventually to add Ramos as well. When they're done, I'll add them here too. :)

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The bases really bring these minis up a notch and that's on top of a really awesome paint job. I wish for close ups though, single shots of each crew member. I would also like to know how you did the bases. Great work! Looking forward to seeing more from you.

P.S. Where is Brum? :)

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Thanks for all your kind comments! :)

I followed Eric John's guide on painting hair, after he explained to me how to get the hair looking right. Judging from folks' reactions, I'd say his advice worked out perfectly, heh.

The rest of the painting is mostly just washing with increasingly darker colours. For the dusters, I basically used: P3 Menoth White Base> GW Kommando Khaki> P3 Cryx Bane Base, and finally added a very few thin highlights with a translucent white.

As for the bases, I made them from scratch using plastic and putty. This is partly because I weight them with lead and stick felt to the bottoms. I can post a how-to if people are interested.


Brum = Birmingham (UK)

Also, you can make the image by clicking on it, but I can also post some slightly bigger pix this evening too if you'd still like them.

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Brum = Birmingham (UK)

LOL I've been to the UK five times, but never been to Birmingham, although I've ridden past it on a train to Wales. I have a cousin who lives in Brum and is into 40K and WHF. I do like the Cadbury chocolates that come out of there though ;)

Tutorial on bases would be awesome!

Edited by Grim
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