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Noob Starting Arcanists

Silas Cordell

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So, I picked up the game at Templecon after watching a bit of the tournament, and I decided to go Arcanists. I'd actually been by the forums before and had read about the common issues with Ramos, but I like his theme and model enough that I picked him up anyway. I also have Tina and both their totems.

I've seen lot's of different things to add to Tina's boxset (Acolytes, Essence of Power, Hoarcats, Cerberus), but for Ramos the only things I've seen recommended are Joss, Johan, and Rusty Alyce. Are three character models the only thing that Ramos can make use of beyond his spiders?

If that's the case, should I just invest in vast swarms of spiders? I mean, I like the spiders. They're part of the reason I picked Ramos to begin with, but there doesn't seem to be the variation that our other Masters have with him.

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So, I picked up the game at Templecon after watching a bit of the tournament, and I decided to go Arcanists. I'd actually been by the forums before and had read about the common issues with Ramos, but I like his theme and model enough that I picked him up anyway. I also have Tina and both their totems.

I've seen lot's of different things to add to Tina's boxset (Acolytes, Essence of Power, Hoarcats, Cerberus), but for Ramos the only things I've seen recommended are Joss, Johan, and Rusty Alyce. Are three character models the only thing that Ramos can make use of beyond his spiders?

If that's the case, should I just invest in vast swarms of spiders? I mean, I like the spiders. They're part of the reason I picked Ramos to begin with, but there doesn't seem to be the variation that our other Masters have with him.

Ramos's totem comes to mind. That's a great model to have with Ramos.

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I just started Arcanists w/ Marcus but I've read up on them all.

Ramos + Rasputina seems like a good combo because he can use her constructs. I definitely WOULD get spiders, although this sort of depends on how you're assembling your models. If you're making them permanently as swarms, I'd get two packs of separates. If you're making ones that come apart in some fashion with magnets or whatever then maybe you don't need more.

It also depends on what size games you expect to play. If it's mostly 25ss with people just starting out you don't need as much extra.

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The spiders are so fiddly that I've just decided to shell out the money for extra sets to make the individual ones. After all, the small force size makes this a pretty inexpensive game overall.

As far as the totem goes, I have it, but the fact that Ramos' box is almost 10 points higher than all the others I've looked at means I haven't used it yet. I do like Stoke, even if it is essentially a once-per-game ability, and casting Arcing Screen from the totem seems fun, if a difficult cast.

I may get around to trying out the Gamin, but the only major advantage they seem to have over the spiders is that they aren't insignificant. The ranged attack is neat, but not great. Shatter seems nice, as it doesn't require AP or anything.

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I may get around to trying out the Gamin, but the only major advantage they seem to have over the spiders is that they aren't insignificant. The ranged attack is neat, but not great. Shatter seems nice, as it doesn't require AP or anything.

Shatter (and other similar abilities) have paid off pretty well in my experience. Free damage is free damage :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I agree that shatter is great. It works especially well when your opponent knows about it and does not want to get into melee with your Gamin or Golem. :gurney:

Plus, the Gamins are great at reflecting Rasputina's spells. Send them around a corner, reflect a spell off of their shiny little bottoms and Rasputina stays nice and safe.

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