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Templecon 40SS Showdown


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Hey All, had a good time at templecon this year, thanks to Kevin for running the event. Thought I would log on and run through the matches that I had and some of the others I observed, hopefully others can come in and give more details on their matches.

We had 11 players for the first two rounds, and one person had to drop in the final round. I was one of two Rasputina players, I played against Seamus, the Viktorias, and finally Lady J. I saw a second Seamus player, a second Lady J, Lililth, Pandora, Sonnia, and I think a Perdita.

I played


-Essence of power

-X3 Gamin


-x3 Hoarcat Prides

2 soulstones left over, giving me 6 to play with.

My theory behind this list was these are the models I have painted, and I don't like using unpainted models. I doubt I would really change it though, maybe drop a cat for a slinger and one less soulstone. The cat's main Holy S* ability of devour is useless on undead and constructs, but I found when they were down to low wounds they worked well as targets for decembers curse, which then AOE'd into my foes. The gamin were rasputina's extensions, and the golem was there to stay alive, counter charge, and keep bite of winter up.

Game 1 - Rasputina Vs. Seamus

My opponent had the severe disadvantage of never playing against Rasputina, whereas one of my roomates has played me in a significant number of games with his Mad Hatter. He had reconnoiter as his strategy while I had slaughter, he announced hold out and I think did overhwelm (more models on the table at the end). I did overwhelm announced and bodyguard on the golem silent.

The first round we just moved closer towards each other, I start in a brick by default and move ever so slightly apart, he started apart and began to brick up to match (the not playing rasputina before came in here.)

The second round we kept moving forward and with my last activation I unloaded with Tina into the rotten belles (lowest defense) I killed Sybelle, the totem, a belle, and took Seamus to one wound that turn

The third round he killed one of my cats, and I killed everything else but Bete Noire and one of the Belle's.

In the fourth round he attacked with Bete and then buried her, forgetting he could not bring her back immediately I killed the last remaining belle and the game ended.

VPs 7 for me and 0 for him. The only reason the game was so unbalanced was his lack of awareness to how Rasputina works (December's curse AOE'd to max), causing him to bunch his stuff together and allowing her incredibly damage.

Game 2 - Rasputina Vs. the Viktorias.

I had never played the Viktorias before so I was not incredibly sure what to expect, he ran two ronin, bishop, Taelor, and a convict gunslinger. He unfortunately was not familiar with Rasputina either, and the game went much like the first. I think we both had reconnoiter, we both took breakthrough and bodyguard announced.

The first round we moved towards each other, my semi-brick and he taking two flanking groups, one the ronin and victorias, the other Taelor, Slinger, and Bishop.

The second round he got initiative, moved the victoria's up together, think they killed a cat at range (not positive) Activated tina next and mirror killed both of them and a ronin with decembers curse. his convict moved up and whiffed on a gamin, the remaining ronin skirted my right flank, Taelor and bishop moved up.

Third round a cat ganked the convict, Tina blasted Bishop and mostly killed Taelor, the ronin moved up and finished a cat and put some damage on tina.

Fourth round a cat killed the Ronin and the golem finished off Taelor, remaining time was spent running the gamin into position to collect on objectives.

Vps 9 for me and 0 for him. This was another case of someone not being familiar with Rasputina. If he had kept the viktorias apart, or at least not within sisterly reach I would have had a significantly harder time dealing with his army, but killing them early swung the tide into my favor too quickly for him to recover from.

Final Game - Rasputina Vs. Lady J.

We as a group decided to have the third round be our last round. A whisky tasting was coming up shortly and more then a few of us had it in our hearts to get slammed.

This game was the closest of the event for me, and I think mostly because the other players had not faced rasputina before. His List was Lady J, Governer's Proxy, 3x Marshals, Executioner, Judge, and a Slinger? maybe no slinger. I once again had reconnoiter (which is just awesome for Tina, might I add) and he had Slaughter. I took Breakthrough announced and Guard on the golem unnanounced, he took hold out and overwhelm.

The first round we moved towards each other, though he was much more cautious, he did pack up the executioner, Lady J, the totem, and judge, but they were near the cats and he felt he was safe.

The second round I took initiave, activated Tina and her totem, had the totem cast decembers touch on the cats to give them armor and more importantly frozen heart, and then mirrored AOE's through killing the executioner, judge, and totem. I had not thought about it with the prior players, but this player burned soulstones to prevent damage on Lady J, making her hurt, but not dead. with my last action I tossed ice pillars out to block off the marshalls and slinger. lost a gamin and a cat to the counterattacks from his army, everyone else had trouble dropping lady J, but killed her soulstone pool

the third round I dropped the gunslinger and Lady J with spells / Cats, he dropped the cats and put some damage on rasputina with the death marshalls.

the fourth round I moved forward and dropped everything but one Marshall, he had the golem down to four health, both gamin down to 1, and killed tina with a dying blow from a Marshall.

The fifth round I made my sprint for reconnoiter (A tad bit different in this event, you needed to be within 5 inches of the corners of your opponents deployment zone) and finished off the Marshall by sacrificing another gamin.

I managed to get far enough in for break through, but the golem was not fast enough to make it to the other corner, the turn 7 flip did not go my way, and the game ended.

3 vps for me and 0 for him. I learned a few important lessons when dealing with the guild, one of which is cast armor on tina before killing death marshalls so they don't Gank Her. He learned that Tina can mirror from anything in her army if she wants to.

In the end I ended up winning the tournament with a total of 19 Vps, I believe second place was Perdita, and third place was Sonnia, though to be honest I was so ready for whisky tasting I can't be sure I remember correctly. I think we all had a good time and next year I expect we will have a significantly larger presence. Sorry for the long windedness of this post, but hopefully you all get the idea of the games went. Hopefully the other players will post their experiences as well.

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I was the second round Viktorias player. It was definitely a good time at the tournament. I think I wounded 2 of your cats pretty well, but might not have killed it, and one ate its fill on the ronin to heal up.

I will definitely try to run the vikis separate more often in certain situations. Using sisters in spirit to pull each other around the board was the wrong move. Still, had a blast at the tourney and getting smacked around by something is a good way to learn. See you back at granite run once this snow settles down.

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I took Pandy.




Woe x 2



Did not do to hot at the tourney. I was still learning the rules and I drew two Guild players. But I think I did well enough. Still not sure about the sorrows. And I may change Hamelin for convict gunslinger.

The tourney was alot of fun. I feel like the scenarios could have been a bit more even, but once again that was my first time playing people outside my own group.

And then of course the epic four way game we had the next day!

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I was the other Rasputina player, and played against the Victorias, then Beermonkey, and then a Nicodem list.

List was:


Essence of Power


Ice Golem

Ice Gamin x2

December Acolyte

Convict Gunslinger

Would have liked to have a few more soulstones, but didn't want to drop a Gamin for them.

I had a great time, especially in the game against Beermonkey (despite going up against Sonia -- what do you mean none of my spells work??) when we had about six models killed by one melee strike (and the resulting explosions when 4 of the models blew up and damaged everything around them). It was a lot closer than I would have otherwise thought on account of the list match up, though I still lost pretty handily (I didn't get my strategy, he did -- mine was kill lots of stuff, and I was about 1 soulstone killed away from it. Don't remember what his was). Accomplished my strategy the first game (Victoria), and neither me nor my opponent accomplished it for the third (Nicodem).

And the following day, the four way was a ridiculous slaughterfest.

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