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Using "counts-as" models


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I can see how some people would find the idea of the masters you use in game being to same people from all of the fluff, but for me, I always enjoyed the more creative aspect of these kinds of games when it comes to my commanders. For example, in 40k, I go to great lengths never to use special characters, and I've written up a pound of fluff for my Tau army, unique to me.

So while I really love most of the master's models, I cringe a little bit at the thought that there are so many other people using the same model, with the same stats, and most importantly, the same lore as I am. My solution to this would be to create an interesting counts-as model for my master of choice, Pandora, and try to keep it as Neverborn as possible. But I wanted to know what everyone else here thinks about using alternate/converted models in their games of Malifaux. Think it's awesome, breaks the fluff, or is too confusing? I think I would always have to carry around a normal Pandora model if I ended up doing this though, just to appease to people who cry foul when I try to use an alternate model.

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Seeing how Wyrd were modelers before gaming creators, I would say that they would be 100% for your idea. I think it's great myself and as long as you tell me what models are what before we start, then by all means, convert away. Thats my 2 cents.

Now of course, with your idea comes the demand for pictures once you get your "Pandora" done. :)

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You can do whatever you want in casual play. Don't expect it to fly in tournaments most likely though.

I'm sure your opponents wouldn't mind for casual play so long as its very clear he is playing against a Pandora force, regardless of what you want to think of it as. As long as all the abilities are exactly the same as Pandoras, then you are fine. The moment you start making up your own abilities for the sake of fluff...thats the moment you are probably going too far, unless you are 100% sure your opponent knows exactly what he's getting into.

Even just renaming models and abilities can be super confusing for your opponents, especially when you are proxying.

Sounds to me like you are wanting to play Malifaux the roleplaying game rather than the tabletop skirmish game. (Hear that Nathan ;) )

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Ooh, Malifaux to role playing game, I'd throw my support into that any day.

Besides having a new model with a new name (which I'd most likely end up calling Pandora out of forgetfulness) it would be exactly the same. I wouldn't dare touch the abilities, as I doubt even if I tried my hardest to be fair, it would end up being unbalanced in one way or the other. For the most part, I just really want to have my own character for writing up narrative battle reports, as I really don't like the idea that everyone else is writing stories with the same character that I'm using (it feels like I'd be tearing up the fluff and messing with the continuity of Malifaux if I did that, guess I'm a little OCD when it comes to this ;))

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I support the idea. Why not?

In regard to it not flying in tournaments, the day Malifaux turns "hardcore corporate" like GW is the day I'll sell it and get out. I want an interesting small scale miniatures skirmish game where I can sometimes use models from other ranges. It gives me scope to let my creativity fly!

I have to say that I love the Wyrd models very much anyway and want to buy all of them too. They are simply gorgeous; very high standard and I don't believe there is such a huge range in this style on the market anyway. I've been doing some internet searching to see what is available in steampunk gothic. Wyrd models are excellent standard in comparison.

Hope you're reading this too, Nathan! ;)

As long as proxying is clear when you play, I don't see any issue with it. In fact, lots of models haven't even been released by Wyrd so we have to proxy on some level.



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