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When to take Teddy with Pandora


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I've started to play Pandora recently and I've grown to appreciate the strengths of the box set. The Sorrows work really well (extra Dg from failed Wp duels) and Candy, with +1 Casting Expert, is very nice for causing additional Wp duels. All in all, I find this box runs really well for 25SS games (unless your strategy is Reconnoiter.)

I really want to start running Teddy with Pandora, but I'm wondering at what point the rest of you find Teddy meshes well with her. I suspect that 25SS games are too small to bring in Teddy. At 30SS I may want to squeeze him in - my initial plan would be to replace Kade. That would Teddy as the only front line melee fighter (albeit a very nasty one), but I prefer the Sorrows and Candy to Kade for the reasons listed above. At 35SS I think he'd really start to shine because you'd have lots of other minions to support him.

So, my question is at what point (scrap size) do you start to run Teddy with Pandora? What other minions do you take to flesh out your crew?

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I have used him in 30 SS. Teddy, 2 sorrows, candy, and Kade. It leaves Pandora 6SS. Sure I got my head handed to me that game, but I was playing against Perdita. I also didn't use terrain to my full advantage.

I fear this list in the hands of a well-rounded Pandora player. The Wp duels alone will be a pain, on top of the threat of Teddy appearing out of nowhere.

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I have used him in 30 SS. Teddy, 2 sorrows, candy, and Kade. It leaves Pandora 6SS. Sure I got my head handed to me that game, but I was playing against Perdita. I also didn't use terrain to my full advantage.

I used the same list against Perdita. Too bad my Strategy was Slaughter. Luckily my opponent got a bit too excited with his Reconnoiter and also decided to kick my ass. At the end of the game Nino, Perdita and Pandora were the only models alive. Pandora managed to pull off some amazing moves in a forest pushing 4" to always keep Nino in melee range while at the same time making Santiago cut himself to death. I think she was there for two and a half rounds and I think I killed all enemy models with her :D Teddy worked fine too until Santiago decided to shoot him a little and pulled of a gazillion rams.

I might give it a try to leave Candy or Kade out and throw in two more Sorrows or a Sorrow and Primordial Magic.

Edited by Joona
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I ran three Sorrows, Kade and Teddy in 25SS against two Lilith crews.

I could have lived without Kade, with that many Sorrow's Candy with Self Loathing could do more damage than kade and more reliably (4 Willpower tests per activation).

Activating Teddy late, moving him within 6" of an already activated enemy and then letting rip with Pandora and Candy can have him rampaging everywhere.

My missions were mostly around the centre so I never used Where's Teddy, I could have gotten much more utility out of Candy's Lures, Self Loathing and Pacify.

As much as I like Candy, it seems you could get a similiar effect (minus Lure and healing flips) from a Doppelganger attached to Pandora.

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Wombats I think you are mixing up Candy and Kade a bit. Candy does not have the Lure spell.

To answer the OPs question I never leave home without Candy and at least 4 Sorrows which is 20SS right there and I do not run with less than 7 spare stones. So for me that makes anything less than 35 Brawls not even an option to put in Teddy.

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I could have lived without Kade, with that many Sorrow's Candy with Self Loathing could do more damage than kade and more reliably (4 Willpower tests per activation).

Well, you need 8+ to cast Self-Loathing with Candy and the spell has a very short range. So the 3 perfectly cast SL is rather a dream than reality.

Activating Teddy late, moving him within 6" of an already activated enemy and then letting rip with Pandora and Candy can have him rampaging everywhere.

Not really. Smell fears triggers on a failed Moral Duel. Neither Pandy nor Candy can force a Moral Duel. Not even Pandy's trigger which forces a model to fall back (but without a Moral Duel). Remember: every Moral Duel is a Wp-duel but not every Wp-duel is a Moral Duel.

My missions were mostly around the centre so I never used Where's Teddy, I could have gotten much more utility out of Candy's Lures, Self Loathing and Pacify.

As Tonytone noted, it's Kade who has the Lure spell.

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I can just second the Teddy, 2 Sorrows, Candy and Kade list on 30 SS. That worked perfectly for me. And yes 25 is too small for Teddy. There the pure box shines. In 35 I'd go for the same list + a 3. Sorrow and 2 SS that would yield maximum SS pool which is good for casting Project Emotions.

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