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Another newbie from Perth, Australia


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Yep, the Malifaux population seems to be rapidly growing in sunny (and blisteringly hot) Perth!

My name's Adrian. I've been playing Games Workshop games for 13 years now - mostly 40k and WHFB, but also Necromunda, BFG, Mordheim and Epic 40k on occasion. I'm president of a local gaming club and have been running or helping to run tournaments for around 2-3 years now. In real life I'm a researcher studying the genetics of heroin addiction, which is pretty interesting, if also frustratingly slow at the moment. :rolleyes:

Anyway, I've pretty much been recruited into playing Malifaux by Massaen, who's been plugging the game down here for the past few months like nobody's business! I've played one demo game and after a bit of umming and ahhing (and research...gotta do the research!), I've now ordered the rules, along with the Pandora Crew and everyone's favorite stuffed monster of doom; Teddy. :D

I'm still waiting on the minis though, so hopefully it won't be too long before I can actually start painting and gaming with the suckers.

Edited by Rathnard
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